Walk to Live

Arjun Singh Rathore
Walking might not add years to your life, but it definitely adds character to your legs. For those of us who can walk or the health issues don’t permit to walk, walking is a subject which doesn’t need any introduction or sermons. From a highly learned individual to any illiterate individual everyone knows the benefits of walking.
Besides exercise and transportation, let’s make this write-up more interesting for those who know all the benefits but don’t try to enjoy those benefits. Condition is they must read it otherwise in today’s social media era, writers do write a number of beneficial things but end up with just a few number of thumbs-up.
Mota-moti, there are six types of walk, when we walk of our own by leaving our bed without any compulsion, just on one alarm or even without that regularly without a miss, it’s called Morning Walk. Secondly, when we start the walk on the advice of our doctor it is called Warning Walk. Thirdly, a walk in the company of wife is addressed as Darling Walk. Fourthly, if the lonely walkers feel jealous on seeing the couples performing walk it is called Burning Walk. Fifth, when jealousy keep on compelling you to turn and stare on those couples it is Burnol Walk. Sixth and the last, when you take your dog for a walk, it is called Dog walk but never trust a dog to walk you, they are bad at directions. Walking is the best way to clear your mind, unless you’re walking the dog. In other parts of the world people have cats as their pet, but not across remember this is not a Cat Walk and we don’t want to walk like on the catwalk. Walking is the only exercise I do consistently – Walking away from responsibilities.
It’s not that walking is all that unusual, it’s that this is a surprising habit of highly intelligent people. They tend to walk a lot outside if possible, but when they can’t go on these longer outdoor walks, you might find them strolling down corridors or even just pacing back and forth.
During the tiring times of global pandemic so many of us were robbed of so much, and yet, most of us can still find perspective in the struggle. On days when sensitive minds need some perspective, they stroll while looking at the sun, the trees, or the water. Those views remind to reflect on the expanse of the universe, to appreciate the beauty of nature, and prompt to consider how much world there still is to be explored.
We can walk alone, but we don’t have to. Although pandemic proved that walking alone was one of the safer activities available to us. But to start with, make your walk more interesting by inviting a friend or family member to join you in person when it’s doable, safe, and responsible or over the phone when it isn’t.
As much as we like to clear our mind, we also like to fill it with new and useful information. We might walk while listening to a podcast or any of the spiritual sermons/bhajans. Or we might take some photos with our phone of nature or a tree or an animal and look it up when we get home.
As someone like me who is suffering with both chronic and acute back pain, I often walk with a focus on how lucky I feel to be able to walk with the relief of being pain-free. I focus on the gift of feeling safe most of the time as a man in my fifties walking alone without any help of any walking gadgets. Or that I will have a clean, hot shower waiting for me at the end of my walk. Or I might even focus on the gift of being alive right now, when so many have died.
Walk for productivity by executing a call with a client who has also committed to walk and talk. Or schedule a networking call with clients who are walking, too. Sometimes we are very innovative and productive when we walk, and share/dictate brainstorming ideas to our colleagues, subordinates, business partners and clients or even people like me record new thoughts, into phones voice recorder. When back home, the recording material and all great thoughts conceived while walking are penned down for a fresh write-up. In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.
Going for a walk in your local area is a great way to remain active and get some fresh air. Try one of these free ways to make your walk more exciting and extra motivational:-
* Add a challenge: If you’re looking to increase the intensity of your walks, give yourself a fitness challenge.
* Create nature rubbings: This is a great activity to do with children and it’s a fun way to make children learn walking.
* Look for insects: Bring a magnifying glass along if you have one, and see how many different species you can spot.
* Play a game: Hide-and-seek, I spy, catch the colour, are all classic games that will keep children moving and motivated on a walk.
* Go geocaching: An outdoor treasure hunting game and its fun for the whole family.
* Identify clouds: While walking with others differentiate between a cumulus cloud and a stratus cloud.
* Help clean up: Make your environment nice to be in by picking up litter along your walk and dispose of it properly at the end of your walk.
Walking is a man’s best medicine. From the health point of view everyone knows the benefits of walking and to refresh the same, we should remember that Strong legs have strong heart. Walking improves immunity, better sleep, mental health, heart health and Cardiovascular Health. The reality is that walking provides many of the same Mental and Physical Health benefits as other Aerobic Exercises, but with less effort and strain on one’s body. Walking reduces Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure, Weight, Stress, Pain, Heart issues and Dementia. Walking also boosts Energy, Liver functioning, Metabolism, Digestion and Vitamin D level in the body. Walking also makes our bones stronger and prevent osteoporosis. Walking is a low-impact exercise that is easy on the Joints, making it a great option for people with Knee, Ankle, or Hip problems. Walking also helps in enhancing mood. Walking helps in burning calories and cholesterol.
It’s important to note that everyone’s fitness level and goals are different. So consult your doctor or a certified fitness professional to determine a safe and effective exercise or diet plan for you.
Here’s the bottom line: Walk when you can, where you can. Your body, mind, and soul will thank you for it.