This has reference to the sensational disclosure of institutionalized exploitation of mentally challenged inmates of rotary inner wheel Home for Mentally Retarded Children , Channi Rama with the active involvement of people forming part and parcel of management. This shameful act of human savagery enacted by members of so called modern, forward, educated and deemed civilized segment of society responsible for inspiring the whole spectrum of population for rendering yeoman service towards alleviation of hardships and sufferings of mentally impaired component of society.
In this remorseful situation whatever untoward and inhuman has happened out of uncontrolled impulse of cupidity cannot be reversed just by raising the din or blowing the issue out of proportion though ,of course, the matter warrants not only urgent attention but stringent measures for radical change and resetting the moral compass of people holding the levers of Management of established NGOs floated for noble cause of serving the under privileged and mentally challenged .It is an admitted fact that Govt. cannot be capacitated to execute the whole gamut of pursuits in diverse components of National life it, therefore, presupposes active and full throttled support of non government organizations managed by people of scintillating commitment and dedication. This is the high time to deeply meditate and do some brain storming to take on the hydra headed crisis of moral turpitude in the higher echelons of Indian society with history of rich cultural heritage .
We need to develop a fool proof mechanism of screening the people desirous of forming the NGO. A KAS officer from the govt. must represent the apex management of NGO. There should be proper system of accounting subject to external and internal audit . Credentials of all constituents of NGO must be verified after regular intervals. There should be proper system of communication and interaction with the inmates coupled with comprehensive medical checkups from time to time experienced Doctors. Parents of mentally challenged children have to be more responsible and vigilant while relegating their progeny to such homes.
Speed investigation and rapid matching punishment to the perpetrators of this heinous crime would serve as a deterrent. Let us act fast.
Yours etc…
P.C. Sharma
Trikuta Nagar
It is really unimaginable and unbelievable to know that mentally retarded and challenged girls in a Home run by Rotary Inner Wheel at Channi Rama have been sexually assaulted is highly deplorable. That the man who is given the status of ‘supreme being’ can stoop down so low, to the level of a beast, so to say has taken an undue advantage of the deformity of such girls, needs to be condemned.
All this and such other heinous matters take place because of the degrading moral values. Man has forgotten his humanity and his behaviour towards women folk and that too of mentally deranged women when once the women used to be held in high esteem and even to the status of Goddess. Once such cases are dealt stringently, the devil minded persons will take a lesson from it.
Yours etc….
Dwarika Nath Raina
H. No.131 Upper Muthi