The Victim Compensation is one of the most important legislation in the country which provides for a number of benefits for the victims of violence. But it is a matter of pain and shock that our people are not aware of the scheme.
The main objective of the scheme is to compensate and rehabilitate the victims of terrorism, violence, rape and alike offences. In this context, the concerned victim can approach to the State or the District Legal Services Authority for compensation for which certain legal formalities are to be fulfilled. One can seek the advice of an advocate. This provision is available under section 357 A of the Criminal Procedure Code. For this purpose there is a victim comepnsation fund maintained by the concerned Government. Ths rates of compensation are prescribed for each type of injury and loss caused to the victims.
It becomes the duty of concerned about to create proper awareness among the masses about the features of the Victim Compensation Scheme through the print and electronic media.
O P Sharma
Bagnoti, Nowshera