Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 21: Industry Academia Partnership Centre (IAPC), University of Jammu (JU) here today started a lecture series on IPR.
JU Vice Chancellor (VC), Prof. Manoj K Dhar was chief guest of the event and he inaugurated the lecture series and hailed the initiative of Prof. Kamal K Kapoor, Convener and IAPC for organizing lecture series on IPR.
He suggested IAPC to hold a skill based workshop on the theme Science Communication to enhance the skills of research scholars in scientific writing.
Speaking on the occasion Prof. Kamal K Kapoor, Convener IAPC and Head, Department of Chemistry, JU gave a brief description and objectives of IAPC.
He informed that ‘Lecture series on IPR’ has been launched as one of the initiatives to train the faculty, students and research scholars in various aspects of IPR.
Dr. Abhay SD Rajput, Science Communication Specialist and Scientist from Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune was the invited speaker and he delivered a lecture on ‘Science Communication, IPRs and Ethics: Where do we lack?’
Prof. Rajnikant, Dean Sciences and Director CDC, University of Jammu, Dr. Rachna from The Business School, University of Jammu, Dr. Nisha Kapoor, from the School of Biotechnology also spoke on the occasion.
Prof. Meena Sharma, Coordinator Campuses, Prof. Seema Langar, Dean Life Sciences, Head Dept of Zoology and Coordinator Institute of Human Genetics, Prof. Satya Paul, Dr. Rachna Mahajan and others were also present on the occasion.