Valentine’s Day in Spiritual Light

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj
February 14 is celebrated as Saint Valentine’s Day. A very famous story in this context reflects St. Valentines love for children. Once St. Valentine was imprisoned and his beloved children could not bear that. Those children wrote their feelings on small pieces of paper and made those pieces of paper reach St. Valentines through bars of the prison house. There onward, the process of exchanging the feelings of love to ones beloved started, which has certainly taken many forms with the passing time. Though Valentine’s Day today is just confined to the love between a lover and her beloved but it has a profound spiritual aspect too. Valentine’s Day is a symbol of the love between St. Valentine and his disciples, it is a symbol of love between a Master (guru) and his disciples, or between God and his devotees, the love that a human has for the humanity, for entire creation. The ultimate aim of our human life is self-knowledge and God realization, and the way to attain this aim is through love. The tenth guru of Sikhs, Guru Govind Singh Ji has said, “I say it clearly, let everyone listen. Only those who have loved have found God.” God is love. Our soul being of the same essence as God is love too and the way to find God is also through love. Now the question is- where does this love come from? The divine rays of love of God, reaches us through the love-laden eyes of a perfect living master, it slowly wakes our soul from the deep and long slumber and completes the journey to the ocean of consciousness. In reality, it is God, in the form of saints and mystics, who descends to the earth earthy to merge his souls back into himself. And these saints and mystics only follow the path of love. Only a perfect master has the potential to use love as a tool to bring about a change in human’s hearts and to make them walk on the spiritual path. It is only then, when the soul finds the eternal love of the saints and mystics, it can break the bondage of fear, illusion and attachment. Since time immemorial, saints and mystics have been exhorting the emphasis of love for God and for the Master. Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity also preached the message of love. The message that Jesus gave to his disciples can be summed up in the following two orders: Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself.” And he clarified that based on these 2 commandments are all the rules and all the saints. Matthew 22:37 39: 40
Jesus not only gave this message of love, but lived by it which is a true quality of saints and mystics because they personify love.
God is love and our soul is a ray of that love. Love is a divine thread between God and humans on one hand, and on the other between human and the entire creation.
Come, let’s ponder if we reflect this love in our lives? Do we serve each other with love? Are we kind and patient towards those who think differently from us? Do we love all the life forms? And are we ready to embrace each as our own? Are we kind and sympathetic towards poor? Do we pray for the ill and ailing? If we don’t live with love, we are still distant from God and away from religion.
If we love God in the true sense of the word, we ought to bring this in our conduct as well. On this Valentine’s Day, why don’t we focus on spiritual love than worldly love? Let us make ourselves a human filled with love and empathy for the entire humanity, for the entire creation. This would be the best way to celebrate Valentine’s Day.


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