Simar Jeet Singh Bhatia
Time is a gift from God, of which everybody has the same amount on a day by day basis. Someone has said, “All That Everyone has is Time’’. If this is true, then the importance of managing our time cannot be overemphasized.
There are 168 hours in every week. Most people sleep about 8 hours each night, 56 hrs every week. This means one has a maximum of 112 waking hours unless you reduce the hours spent in sleep. In school, college you spena on an average 40 hrs per week which reduce these free hours to 72. However, commuting, eating and other routine things could reduce the figure to as little as sixty hours. What can one do with these hours that are his her own to do with as one wishes ?
Some people opt to watch television from 8 pm to 11 pm each evening. This eats up 21 hours, unless they do not watch on movies being aired on different channels in 24 x 7 format.
This leaves very little amount of time with oneself to do things of his desire on a day to day basis. Is this enough time to spend at really important things like studies ?
If your schedule is something like that outlined and you feel your time is not really being spent o get the best value from it, what can be done about it ?
The first and foremost time technique would have to be either giving up television viewing or reducing it on a regular, consistent basis.
This had proved to be the best time saving technique for all the people who have had the determination to try it. One friend of mine, who gave up TV except for newscasts and very special programmes called the change a major breakthrough in his management of time. In planning for the best use of time it is well to think about all tasks as rating an A, B or C in importance.
The A marked are vital tasks that we’ve to do. The B are 2nd in importance and the tasks marked as C are pretty routine in nature. However, time technieuqs need to be flexible. It should not be too rigid.
Another way to make best use of time is to apply a lot of self discipline. Unpleasant and routine tasks are best done quickly and with a dtermination to get the job done fast and well.
A secret about a method of getting the most from your time is : “Always plan something to look forward to.’’ This should be something of real interest, not just a routine
task. It is amazing how much motivation this instills in a person. You begin to work at faster pace and much
more efficiently so your can get those desired results.
One thing to rememebr is that we do not need to be everything even to that person who is closet to us. One cannot be talented or skilled in every field Accordingly to Marcel Proust, ‘‘The time which we’ve at our disposal everyday is elastic: The passions that we feel expand it, those that we inspire contract it, and habit fills up what remains. The best way to make better use of our time is to work on those areas in which habit is stealing it from us. Like long talking for nothing with friends or cell phone, prolonged TV viewing and speding too much time on C tasks each day is no good use of time.
One friend of mine refuses to study unless he has a span of several hours ahead of him. He has not learned to utilize a half hour here and fifteen minutes there. It is very surprising to note how these little interludes in time add up when they are put to good use. If used on C tasks, they can free us for occasional and much more important type A tasks.
In the end, it is advised that one should try to make the best use of his time and utilise it for productive purposes.