US sets ambitious goal to cut pollution from coal power plants

WASHINGTON, Aug 4:  Setting up an ambitious target to cut pollution emissions from the coal-fired power plants, US President Barack Obama has announced that by 2030 carbon pollution from American power plants will be reduced by 32 per cent, lower than it was a decade ago.
This means keeping 870 million tons of carbon dioxide pollution off the atmosphere or cutting every ounce of emission due to electricity from 108 million American homes. It is equivalent of taking 166 million cars off the road, Obama said yesterday to announce his new goals in reducing emissions from the coal-fired power plants.
“By combining this with greater investment in our booming clean energy sector, and smarter investments in energy efficiency, and by working with the world to achieve a climate agreement by the end of this year, we can do more to slow, and may be even eventually stop, the carbon pollution that is doing so much harm to our climate,” Obama said.
The final Clean Power Plan sets flexible and achievable standards to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 32 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030, nine per cent more ambitious than the proposal.
By setting carbon pollution reduction goals for power plants and enabling states to develop tailored implementation plans to meet those goals.
It will also avoid up to 3,600 premature deaths, lead to 90,000 fewer asthma attacks in children and prevent 300,000 missed work and school days.
Energy Secretary Earnest Moniz said this was the most ambitious initiative any president in history had taken to reduce heat-trapping emissions.
US Secretary of State John Kerry said Obama’s Clean Power Plan is the latest strong signal that the US is leading the world in addressing the threat of climate change.
“We are meeting our international pledges by taking action to cut down on greenhouse gas pollution from the largest sources and delivering on our responsibility to ensure a safer, healthier planet for future generations,” he said.
Noting that power plants are the largest source of carbon pollution in US economy, Kerry said, by curbing emissions from these sources the US is tackling the problem head on.
“As we continue to make progress in reducing these emissions, we are also ushering in cleaner sources of energy that will help us transition to a low-carbon power sector, while growing our economy,” he said.
“Immediate, ambitious action is needed to lower our greenhouse gas emissions and stave off the worst effects of climate change. The President’s Climate Action Plan, including today’s final Clean Power Plan, is already working to comprehensively drive down US emissions, and lead the way for our international partners,” Kerry said.
“These actions are all the more critical as we draw closer to the UN climate negotiations in Paris this December,” Kerry added. (PTI)