Col Shiv Choudhary (Retd)
Donald Trump is perhaps the only President of world’s largest democracy in the last 70 years who after assuming the power sprang surprise with his far-reaching order to ban immigration of the citizens of seven Muslim nations that stood temporarily stayed by the Courts. His action has made the Americans to wonder about his foreign policies and internal administration as he goes along his task immediately after moving into White House as its new occupant for thenext four years. Trump’s stayed executive order had barred citizens of seven Muslim majority countries from entering the United States for the next 90 days, suspends admission of all refugees for 120 days and indefinitely suspends the Syrian refugee programme. To some of us Indian, it looks some what akin to the announcement of demonization by the PM of Indiain Nov last except that Trump will review the order after 120 days and Mr Modi has buried the issue forever. Of course, the demonization wasaimed at blocking the black money, whereas immigration ban was aimed at blocking the unfriendly immigrants entering USA. Is the action of business tycoon quickly turned politician Trump, an effective step to enhance security of American citizens, a mere fulfilment of pre-election promise or a major global concern? Is this ban a true reflection of American fears, incapability to draw dirty leads and reduce the terrorists’ threats: all done in great haste putting American and American interests abroad at perhaps greater risks along with apolitical division within the country?
Terrorist attacks in the United States have been on the decline. Asper Global Terrorism Database, between 2001 and 2008, there were 168terrorist attacks resulting into 3,010 deaths including 2,996 Sept 11attack. Between 2009 and 2015, there were 137 terrorist attacks,killing 114 people. On the contrary, Russia faced 929 terrorist attacks between 2009 and 2015 i.e six times higher. Two terrorists’attacks during Barack Obama rule: one at Fort Hood taking 13 lives andother in San Bernardino, taking 16 lives, was perpetrated by American and Pakistani citizens.The Boston marathon bombing were executed by two brothers from Kyrgyzstan and Russia. And the perpetrators of the infamous Sept 11 attack were immigrants from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, and Lebanon but why none of these countries figure in theTrump’s ban order?
Trump’s ban order is perhaps more influenced by the spate of recent attacks in Brussels, Paris, Turkey etc. The United States cannotequate it with France, because terrorists from the Middle East cannot slip through American borders easily. Some say the decision is out ofsheer fear, incorrect advise and misguidance, erroneously tagged withthe election manifesto because the immigration over decades from Muslim countries have neither threatened nor compromised the safety of US citizens. Indeed, immigration certificate does not let the security door open ajar for unwelcome guests in USA. Could be the influx inimmigration from Muslim countries is out of fear and turm oil prevailing in these countries due to internal oppression and poor leadership. The refugees referred by the UN for resettlement in the United States too undergo multiple background checks,finger print screenings, interviews, and security checks. Syrian applicants specifically undergo additional scrutiny spread over 18 and 24 months. Then what is the fear from immigrants?
Trump’s much justified statement saying that travel curb was not about religion or terror, but to keep America safe, was quickly threatened with legal challenge, political opposition and dissidents and raking up $24 million over a weekend in contributions by various sections and groups. This prompted Trump to offer conciliatory responses within the span of aday stating previous regime too had stalled entry to Iraqi refugees for six months, America is a proud nation of immigrants and will continue to show compassion to those fleeing oppression, while protecting its own citizens and border and he will resume issuing visas to all countries after next 90 days. Simultaneously, he maintained that there is nothing wrong about searching for terrorists before they seek us. He justified his ‘NO Notice’ saying, any prior notice would have allowed, the “bad” to make a hasty entry in side America. Looks his action was in absolute sync with 8 pm (IST), 8 Novlast announcement Modi on demonization where he too cited some what similar logic for no breather.
Unlike India, American politicians are taken very seriously for theire very utterance, lest they are tagged with poor credibility. To this end, John Kerry lost his presidential race in 2004 because of his dwindling statement over Iraq war and the loose statement made by Barack Obama in 2011 famous “red line” threat against Syria’s use ofchemical weapons, still haunts all concerned. Here people are astonished to see Trump famous for inconsistency in his stance, standing up to his election promise. The prompt removal of Attorney General for her failure to defend said the ban and advice to dissidents’ staffers only depicts his resolute.
Enhanced security lies in the integration of its diverse population so that these citizens help law enforcement agencies to pre-empt threats instead of announcing policies targeting people of certain religion ororigin. Identity, physical security and economic well-being of the American remains at the centre stage for them and factors such as wagestag nation, loss of good jobs to non- American, immigration, low wages, shifting ISIS network, gun culture and rise in drug use perhaps hastened the ban. What ever, may be the internal administrative and global strategic impact, Trump has done it.
We, in India cannot brush aside his decision simply because we are not amongst seven nations. It has indeed very serious repercussions affecting us. Skilled guest workers in Indian IT companies will be the worst hit and India produces maximum. The 85,000 H-1B category of guest workers’ visas allotted so far on lottery basis, may now be replaced by a method of selection to allow only the “the best and the brightest”. There would be restricted quota for existing Optional Practical Training (OPT) and a job training opportunity available for Science, Technology, Engg, Math (STEM) Masters from a U.S university. In fact, in 2016, 83% of Indian student were enrolled under STEM programmes. Spouses of H-1B visa holders may also face some restriction or could lose their existing permit to work. Indian having taken heavy loan presently in the job or seeking one, would face aserious threat and dilemma about their jobs, finances and visas. The new system also invites continuous periodic scrutiny of the L-1 visas employers’ sites by Homeland Security Staff (DHS). There will be added emphasison protecting American jobs and workers by restricting travel from other Muslim majority countries. The citizens of other countries, however humane and loyal they may be to USA, have to bear the inconvenience and mask of nations once suspended by USA. How American forces are going to fight the dangerous ISIS alongside Iraqi forces in Iraq when Iraqi citizens have been banned. Kuwait has also banned entry visas to five Muslim nations and more nations tagged so, cannot be ruled out. Reaction of our notorious neighbour unlikely to figure in the next ban list, will be watched interestingly. Whatever may bethe arena, Indian government with its projected bonhomie with Trump must protect Indian so affected.
This major decision was taken on the very first day, but its effects on the Foreign Policy of USA, will be visible even after Trump’s last day. Many previous Presidents had to revisit their decisions after reaching the Oval Office; Trump may be no exception. For most voters of Trump, leadership is primarily a matter of trust irrespective of the policies espoused by them. Trump, they feel is the only one whocan ensure safe America. Trump administration has conveyed a clear message on perceived threat from immigrants and refugees. Today, it isseven countries; tomorrow the list may be longer with new ban from different rulers. To me, the USA may be look less safe now but Iadmire their clear stance. It is time, we in India, messed up with illegal entries from different corners, too look within for a clear position and not hide under the cheap vote bank politics.