US: Aviation administration reopened airspace in Montana after ‘Department of Defense activities’

MONTANA [US], Feb 12: United States Federal Aviation Administration, on Saturday, disclosed that they issued a temporary flight restriction over a portion of Montana but now they have reopened the restriction after the Department of Defense activities, Fox News reported.
The FAA, in a statement, stated, “The FAA closed some airspace in Montana to support Department of Defense activities”. This statement came shortly after an American fighter jet shot down another unidentified flying object in Canada, on Saturday.
The airspace closed down in the area around Havre, Montana not far from the US border with Canada, reported Fox News.
Shortly after, the FAA says the airspace has been reopened but did not provide further details.
“The FAA closed some airspace in Montana to support Department of Defense activities,” an FAA spokesperson said. “The airspace has been reopened.”
An American fighter jet, acting on the orders of US President Joe Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, shot down another unidentified flying object on Saturday, in the latest instalment of the drama playing out in the skies of North America.
“I ordered the takedown of an unidentified object that violated Canadian airspace,” Trudeau said in a statement posted on Twitter. He said an American F-22 with the North American Aerospace Defense Command, which is operated jointly by the United States and Canada, successfully fired at the object over the Yukon.
US President also ordered to take down the object, the officials said that they had yet to determine just what had been blasted out of the sky over the Yukon, which borders the northernmost US state.
Trudeau also said he had spoken with Biden on Saturday afternoon. “Canadian Forces will now recover and analyze the wreckage of the object,” he said in his Twitter post, adding, “Thank you to NORAD for keeping the watch over North America.”
Meanwhile, the White House released a statement stating that Biden and Trudeau had “discussed the importance of recovering the object in order to determine more details on its purpose or origin.”
“President Biden authorized US fighter aircraft assigned to NORAD to conduct the operation and a US F-22 shot down the object in Canadian territory in close coordination with Canadian authorities. The leaders discussed the importance of recovering the object in order to determine more details on its purpose or origin. President Biden and Prime Minister Trudeau commended NORAD’s and U.S. Northern Command’s strong and effective partnership and agreed to continue their close coordination to detect, track, and defend our airspace,” the White House said in a statement. (ANI)