LUCKNOW, Mar 26: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday interacted with 60,000 gram panchayats regarding measures taken by the government during the 21-day lockdown to counter Coronavirus pandemic.
The interaction was held from the official residence of CM , where the officials sat maintaining social distancing.
Official sources here said that CM has informed over 14,000 volunteers are working round the clock to distribute essentials at the door steps.
Over 12,000 vans and puller carts have been engaged in the state to distribute the essentials.
Mr Adityanath said that community kitchen have commenced at hostels and other places so that there is no starvation in wake of the lockdown.
However, the CM has directed all the district authorities to keep a close watch on the price and supply of the essentials at this juncture and warned that anyone found involved in black-marketing or hoarding would be sternly dealt with. (UNI)