Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh interacting with farmers, Sarpanches and BDC Chairpersons of Basantgarh and Chowki blocks in Tehsil Ramnagar of district Udhampur, on Monday.

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh interacting with farmers, Sarpanches and BDC Chairpersons of Basantgarh and Chowki blocks in Tehsil Ramnagar of district Udhampur, on Monday.
Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh interacting with farmers, Sarpanches and BDC Chairpersons of Basantgarh and Chowki blocks in Tehsil Ramnagar of district Udhampur, on Monday.

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh interacting with farmers, Sarpanches and BDC Chairpersons of Basantgarh and Chowki blocks in Tehsil Ramnagar of district Udhampur, on Monday.