Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh, flanked by Space Scientists from NASA, ISRO and other leading centres of the world, watching the replica of latest model “Drone” after inaugurating the exhibition at “Asia Pacific Remote Sensing Symposium”, at New Delhi on Monday.

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh, flanked by Space Scientists from NASA, ISRO and other leading centres of the world, watching the replica of latest model
Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh, flanked by Space Scientists from NASA, ISRO and other leading centres of the world, watching the replica of latest model "Drone" after inaugurating the exhibition at "Asia Pacific Remote Sensing Symposium", at New Delhi on Monday.

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh, flanked by Space Scientists from NASA, ISRO and other leading centres of the world, watching the replica of latest model “Drone” after inaugurating the exhibition at “Asia Pacific Remote Sensing Symposium”, at New Delhi on Monday.