Shiban Khaibri
Sharing concern over reports that a large number of Kashmiri youth were joining militancy, former Chief Minister, National Conference Supremo and ex- Union Minister Dr.Farooq Abdullah has “blamed” the Centre for it as there existed “trust deficit” while at the same time aptly stating that “…We will die as Indians”. Definitely, no one can ever doubt that each and every citizen of Jammu and Kashmir, like all other Indian citizens, on one specific day destined in life, will die as Indian. The question, however, is in respect of how much do we live in the present, as true Indians. How much each one in Kashmir especially in political circles, sincerely contributes his or her mite towards strengthening India? Do we maintain the same principled postures whether in power and equally when out of it.
Doesn’t a minor difficulty or a problem distract us even momentarily from this stance? Do we get at times swayed by petty considerations to speak against the very institutions and beliefs that sustain and keep the country cohesive, not only territorially but emotionally and by hard convictions? While speaking at the release of a book, “Kashmir, The Vajpayee Years” penned by RAW ex- chief A. S. Dulat, Dr. Farooq also said at the same time, “Don’t mistrust us, don’t push us to the wall, Trust deficit with Delhi is resulting in radicalization of the youth in Kashmir and that the trend needed to be stopped, failing which it may lead to a situation worse than what was seen in early 1990s.”
Definitely doubts can be raised based on the evolution of , and the causes behind hard core radicalization in Kashmir valley particularly since late 1980s and out rightly can set aside the cause as “trust deficit” with Delhi as enunciated by Dr.Farooq. This “trust” has conveniently been turned into a whip over the years to bluff New Delhi. The centre – state relations are just like the whole body and its parts, if the crux of our constitution has to be understood. States are the limbs of the union and while it is agreed that the limbs must be strong and healthy, it is the strength and stability of the union which is a sort of indemnity against any ado – political, economic or otherwise of the states. Besides, let it be unequivocally be mentioned that in October 1949, the Parliament adopted article 306 A in its draft document which later became Article 370 guaranteeing a particular type of autonomy to this state. All the Governments at the centre, though feeling the redundancy of the continuance of this article, allowed it to operate including the present government led by Shri Modi who have been always nursing reservations about its continuance, putting it in the freezer, unscathed and undisturbed, even at the cost of incurring wrath of many in political circles including political opponents charging them of compromising with their “ideologies”. What more proof is needed to demonstrate about how this state is looked after vis-a vis enhancing and strengthening this “trust” ?
Besides, what is this “trust” and whence is it found being deficit in quantity, what are the yard sticks of measurement of this illusory “deficient trust’? The time has come, ripe enough, now to call a spade a spade and not throw around riddles due to convictional “deficit” allowed on account of wavering stands. The fact of the matter lies somewhere else and it is known to everyone including many of those who claim to be intellectually and otherwise as “authorities” on Kashmir “affairs” and write or speak whatever it suits their fancies but seldom the stark facts. Too much of freedom to speak or to express ones views in our democratic country very often leads to historical and factual distortions in respect of Kashmir. Dr. Farooq must naturally be worried like every Indian about some Kashmiri youth joining terror groups and many others falling prey to extreme fundamentalism. Even a mismatch between available opportunities and the expectations like in all developing countries is no justification for getting radicalized and taking to the gun. The basic question is as to who is radicalizing and why? By these standards, every unemployed or less privileged or living below poverty line in India or particularly having a political dissent must get radicalized , take to gun and start harming the country and spreading devastation. Since Dr. Farooq is referring to the valley in particular, let us visualize the basic economic parameters to judge the levels of prosperity of a particular place, state or sections of the society. No one ever is heard of having died due to starvation or due to scantly attired in cold weather or living usually not under own roof in Kashmir, not to speak of per capita income and consumption.
To take the point forward, since state’s accession in 1947 compared to date, can anyone deny, even in the least, the fact of tremendous progress achieved in each and every field in the state, Kashmir valley leading therein, education, employment, housing, trade commerce and industry coupled with massive financial aid, funds for building infrastructure and rapid development, grants etc given by the centre? Compare it with the levels achieved on the other side under Pakistan’s occupation; the results are disastrous and frustrating. Take the case of absolute freedom of religion enjoyed particularly by the majority community, the annals of which can be seen not in as much magnitude anywhere in the world. And equally nowhere can it be observed in the world about state protection and security, free high quality specialized medical treatment and all sorts of facilities provided to Hurriyat and other separatist leaders who question the very basic relation of the state with the Indian union, who abhor inclusiveness and secularism and who patronize overtly and covertly stone pelting on security forces and other forms of violence, do not hesitate using religious places for political purposes, yet there seems to be “trust deficit”.
How pathetically politics is played by those from whom there were greater expectations, can be gauged by yet another statement given by Dr. Farooq who has ruled the state for years together. He says, “That by displaying ISIS and Pakistani flags in the valley, the youth want to wake up the nation as they (according to him) are frustrated.” He further goes on,” Since none of us bothered for them , there is no way for them to express themselves other than displaying such flags.” We were expecting a strong action by him against Dr. Mustafa Kamal for his views on displaying of enemy flags in Kashmir by asking state and Central Governments “not to treat Pakistani flags as a piece of cloth only….and to respect it….” The elder Abdullah unfortunately is blaming New Delhi for creating trust deficit and resultant radicalization of the youth while the younger one also holds New Delhi responsible for all that happened in the valley since 1989-90. This is sheer travesty and smothering of the truth, the facts, the events, shielding the rabid demagoguery of Pakistan to wrest Kashmir by all means right from 1947-48 when Col. Akbar Khan of the Qabayali raid notoriety had proposed sinister designs of “raising a people’s militia” , a proxy war , strengthening proxy forces which could be possible only by arousing religious sentiments and exploiting the young brains on that ground. Right in 1948-49, blue print of this scheme had been prepared in Pakistan and had the blessings of the then Pakistani President Sikander Mirza . To refresh the memories, there took place a few explosions in the valley in 1950s . From time to time, Pakistan has been on it till it succeeded in landing Kashmir in the worst turmoil of 1990 and is keeping the pot boiling. Recent reports have indicated huge chunks of money through money laundering received by a member of Syed Geelani’s Hurriyat conference from Italy. Who has been funding sustained stone pelting on the security forces and other violent activities in the valley and what is the source of these funds?
The youth, the ones who get swayed and misguided on radical religious lines, have to be weaned away and it is the duty of all political leaders in Kashmir to preach that terrorism ultimately led to destruction, human and material both. Besides that was not going to change anything on the ground whatsoever. To quote ex-PM Vajpayee the borders of India and Pakistan cannot be redrawn. While the world has geared up to fight growing radicalization, we cannot shun our duty and must repair the roof when the sun is shining.