The picturesque Aru Valley in South Kashmir’s Anantnag district, known for its breathtaking meadows and mountains, is facing the challenge of limited mobile and internet connectivity, which is inconveniencing tourists and locals alike. Despite the strides made under the Digital India programme to improve rural internet connectivity, the Aru Valley in Pahalgam still lacks continuous mobile and internet connectivity due to inadequate infrastructure, dissuading tourists from spending more time in the area.
Local hotel operators have voiced concerns about the negative impact of poor connectivity on tourism in the region. While many tourists may enjoy the idea of being offline for a day or two, extended periods without connectivity are not practical in today’s world. Therefore, it is essential for hotels and other establishments to provide this amenity. The situation is compounded by the fact that the only network available in the area is BSNL, which is dependent on electricity and gets disconnected during power outages. This has left the people of the Aru Valley feeling left behind as the rest of the world advances in connectivity. Tourists in the region have also expressed their concerns about the lack of mobile connectivity, which has caused them anxiety and inconvenience. The matter gets further complicated when frequent climate-triggered land and mudslides damage the fibre infrastructure, resulting in connectivity issues.
Adding to the problem, prepaid connections do not work in Jammu and Kashmir, which can catch tourists off guard and create additional difficulties.
Tourists often rely on mobile networks to stay connected with their loved ones, access travel information, and navigate unfamiliar places. The lack of mobile connectivity can cause inconvenience, anxiety, and frustration, leading to a negative tourist experience. Moreover, the absence of mobile connectivity can deter tourists from staying longer in the area, affecting the local economy. In today’s world, where people rely heavily on mobile networks to stay connected and access information, the lack of connectivity can make tourists choose other destinations with better connectivity options.
The impact of the non-availability of mobile networks and internet connectivity can be particularly severe during emergencies. Tourists and locals may not be able to access emergency services, leading to potentially dangerous situations.
The issue of poor connectivity is not unique to the Aru Valley in Jammu and Kashmir. Most remote tourist destinations in the region suffer from inadequate mobile and internet connectivity, creating challenges for both tourists and locals. The absence of mobile networks and internet connectivity can have far-reaching consequences for both tourists and locals, impacting convenience, safety, and the economy. As a result, it is crucial to ensure that tourist destinations have sufficient infrastructure and connectivity options to deliver a positive experience for visitors and residents alike.
The Government has taken some measures to improve mobile connectivity in the region, such as allowing the establishment of more mobile towers and increasing broadband connectivity. However, there is still a long way to go to provide reliable and continuous mobile connectivity to all parts of Jammu and Kashmir.
In conclusion, poor mobile connectivity in Jammu and Kashmir is a significant issue that needs to be addressed. Providing reliable and continuous mobile connectivity is crucial for the economic and social development of the region and for providing a positive experience for tourists and locals alike.