Top Army officer reviews relief ops

The General Officer Commanding in Chief of Army’s Northern Command Lt General D S Hooda arrived here today to review the ongoing relief and restoration operation in flood-hit Kashmir Valley.
Lt Gen Hooda was received by Lt Gen Subrata Saha, Chinar Corps Commander, and was briefed on the relief and restoration operations launched by Army under Mission Sahayata, an Army spokesman said.
He also visited affected areas inside the Badami Bagh Cantonment and was given a detailed overview of the damages suffered by various establishments within the Cantonment and other Army camps in Kashmir, the spokesman said.
The Army Commander commended all ranks of Chinar Corps for relentless effort made during the floods in Kashmir towards rescue, relief and restoration operations, despite enormous challenges faced due to its own areas and personnel being badly affected by the floods, he said.
The Army Commander assured the Corps of all the support to overcome the losses suffered during the floods at the earliest possible time, the spokesman added. (AGENCIES)