Threatening fruit growers

With a commitment to protecting the farming community, Governor has warned those mischievous elements of dire consequences who were threatening fruit growers to succumb to their designs. The warning is not only timely but reassuring those who might feel threatened by the militants while trying to sell their produce. The Governor hasthus exhibited the writ of the administration in not allowing the nefarious activities of militants and their masters to succeed.
This comes in the wake of terror attack on a fruit merchant in Sopore Kashmir which left four persons including a toddler injured. Promising full security to the fruit growers , he assured at a function while launching the market intervention scheme for apple growers that proper care would be taken of the interests of the fruit growers. Perhaps, militants and their mentors and sponsors feeling desperate want to incite the fruit growers in case their produce, otherwise perishable by nature, was not transported in time and sold only to park blame on the state administration but Market Intervention Scheme has put boiled water on their dirty plans.