Major terror plot foiled

It cannot be disputed in any way that despite drubbings received from almost all international fronts and platforms coupled with officially being put by FATF under radar of eagle eyed surveillance or the ‘Gray List’ for facilitating money laundering and providing overt and covert support to terrorism and by October Pakistan expected to be completely blacklisted, it has not changed its terror sponsoring policy against India. Jammu and Kashmir Police deserves to be complimented for successfully foiling a major terror attack as it apprehended three militants along with deadly 4 AK-56 and 2 AK-47 rifles, 6 loaded magazines, 180 live rounds and some cash from a truck at Lakhanpur. Out of the three militants, two are from Rajpura Pulwama and another from Pakharpora Budgam, Kashmir. Exactly same day last year, the Police had intercepted a truck carrying three LeT terrorists along with arms and ammunition at Jajjhar Kotli Jammu meant for South Kashmir wherein all the three terrorists had been killed.
The incident demands more to be read into it than any other terror related incident as the consignment was picked up at from Amritsar since the truck laden with fruit after emptying its consignment instead of returning to the originating place directly drove to Amritsar to pick up the consignment of arms and ammunition. Since major parts of South Kashmir are terror infested but because of strict watch and vigil by the security forces, replenishment of weapons and ammunition for creating violence has practically become impossible as also any terror related violence all these days restrictions were placed following reorganisation of Jammu and Kashmir and revoking of the temporary special status, the weapons had their destinations at a ‘specific place’ in Awantipora Pulwama in Kashmir. It is evident looking to the pointed destination, these weapons were to be used for attacking the security forces.
At the outset, a major terror attack stands foiled and further revelations by the arrested militants would spill the necessary beans to know all in details about who where and how came in contact with the driver of the Kashmiri owner’s truck as also the three militants and whether a large scale conspiracy between some extremists groups in Punjab acting at the behest of Pakistan were in collaboration with some terror groups in Kashmir valley. It is the time for Punjab Police too, to go in for a massive probe as to how and why the three militants travelled through Punjab and whether they touched Amritsar only or other places en-route as well. Punjab border needs to be put on alert in the sense to plug any weak exits or supply points.
It is an appropriate opportunity for the Police and other investigating agencies to reach at the bottom of the larger conspiracy. Whether the truck which originated from Kashmir for Delhi on return, took the only route which the three terrorists nabbed have confessed to or they were at the moment hiding some vital information. To know all about that, a joint team of Punjab Police and the Jammu and Kashmir Police must deeply inquire into and leave nothing to chance keeping in view the two major terror attacks which took place, fully sponsored and backed by Pakistan,in 2015 and 2016 in and around Gurdaspur and Pathankot in Punjab.
The incident also enjoins upon the administration and the security personnel to extend and intensify the vigil to thwart any such attempts and subject suspecting vehicles to thorough search especially during wee and night hours. The incident opens a few more layers for investigation in that without the active overground support whether at Amritsar, Batala or any other place falling on the route taken by the truck and the accused inmates, collecting such deadly weapons and ammunition would have not been possible. The decision of the Government for placing certain restrictions and measures for public safety stand fully vindicated by the incident under reference.