Thousands attend Mufti’s Chahrum in Srinagar, Bijbehara

PDP president Mehbooba Mufti breaks down into tears at the memorial service for her father Mufti Mohammad Sayeed at Bijbehara in Anantnag, on Sunday. Another-Excelsior/Sajjad Dar
PDP president Mehbooba Mufti breaks down into tears at the memorial service for her father Mufti Mohammad Sayeed at Bijbehara in Anantnag, on Sunday. Another-Excelsior/Sajjad Dar

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Jan 10: Thousands of people including political leaders from a cross section of political, social and religious parties, traders and trade union leaders today visited residence of People’s Democratic Party (PDP) president, Mehbooba Mufti at Srinagar and grave of her father and former Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed at Bijbehara in district Anantnag to offer special prayers for the departed soul.
Amid sobs and tears, Mehbooba along with other family members of Muftis accompanied by thousands of people this morning visited the grave of Mufti Mohammad Sayeed at Dara Shiko garden in Bijbehara town in Anantnag district to offer special prayers.
While praying for her deceased father at the grave, Mehbooba wept and sobbed. She was very close to her father among all the family members as Mufti was her political mentor.
The PDP president was accompanied by her mother, Gulshan Mufti, her brother Tasaduq Mufti, sister Rubiya Sayeed and other close family members.
All the PDP legislators and senior party workers attended the prayer meeting at Mufti’s grave. Besides this BJP leader and former Deputy Chief Minister, Dr Nirmal Singh, BJP State president  Sat Sharma, Member Parliament Shamsher Singh Manhas former and PHE and Flood Control Minister, Sukhnandhan, were also among the mourners who visited Bijbehara.
Later in the afternoon, people in thousands, including police officers and bureaucrats visited the Fairview residence of Mufti’s at Gupkar and their ancestral home in Bijbehara.
Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways, Nitin Gadkari, former Deputy Chief Minister, Dr Nirmal Singh, BJP State president  Sat Sharma, Member Parliament Shamsher Singh Manhas and former PHE and Flood Control Minister, Sukhnandhan, visited Gupkar residence in the afternoon to offer their condolences.
Congress President, Sonia Gandhi, visited the Fairview residence to personally convey condolences to Member Parliament and PDP President, Mehbooba Mufti, on the demise of her father. She was accompanied by the Leader of the Opposition in Rajya Sabha and former Chief Minister of the State, Ghulam Nabi Azad, senior Congress leader, Ambika Soni, President, Pradesh Congress Committee, G. A. Mir and former PCC President, Saif-ud-Din Soz.
Unprecedented security arrangements were made in Srinagar, Bijbehara and along Srinagar-Anantnag part of National Highway for smooth movement of people and VIPs. The Gupkar road leading to residence of Mufti was sealed and only VIPs were allowed in cars and people had to foot the distance.
An official spokesman said here that a sea of people today converged on the south Kashmir town of Bijbehera to offer Congregational Prayers (Fateha) and Quran Khwani on the Chahrum of late Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, who had breathed his last in New Delhi on January 7.
“The sprawling Dara Shikov garden, where the former Chief Minister was laid to rest on Thursday last, today swarmed with wailing mourners who could not hold their tears back at the passing away of a dear leader who ruled their hearts with love and affection for sixty long years”, the spokesman added.
The spokesman said: “Incidentally, it is the same garden where Mufti Sayeed started his chequered political career that saw him write new chapters in the annals of J&K history. The congregational prayers were led by Maulana Zia-ul-Haq and attended by hundreds and thousands of his admirers, who bid one final adieu to their beloved leader.”
The spokesman said that also present were former Deputy Chief Minister and senior BJP leader, Dr. Nirmal Singh, ex-Ministers, Legislators, senior party leaders and functionaries and top officers of the State Government including Chief Secretary, B R. Sharma, Financial Commissioner, B B Vyas and Director General of Police, K Rajendra Kumar.
“After Congregational Fateha, Mehbooba Mufti along with her brother, slowly walked up to the podium and waved to an emotional crowd of people, which was seen chanting slogan  – Jab Tak Sooraj Chand Rahega, Mufti Tera Naam Rahega.”
A large number of people from all parts of the State continued to pour in to offer Fateha at the final resting place of late Mufti Mohammad Sayeed.
The spokesman said a condolence meeting was held at the Fairview residence of departed leader at Gupkar, Srinagar in which several religious and political leaders paid glowing tributes to the late Mufti Mohammad Sayeed.
Unprecedented rush of people was witnessed today at the Fairview residence here on the chahrum of Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, former Chief Minister of the State.
“People in droves from all walks of life came to pay their homage to the departed leader. From ordinary people to politicians across political spectrum, VIPs and business fraternity thronged the Srinagar residence to offer condolences to the bereaved family members”, the spokesman said.
Several religious scholars and political leaders also spoke on the occasion and paid glowing tributes highlighting the significant contribution of late Mufti Mohammad Sayeed in the socio-economic development of the State. Senior party leaders also paid homage to their guide and mentor who devoted his entire life in the service of the people of the State.
The huge rush of people, both at Fairview and Bijbehera residences, has continued following the passing on of late Mufti Mohammad Sayeed in New Delhi on Thursday last.


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