Thought provoking article

This has reference to the article ‘Contest elections and lose lawyers chambers in Kashmir’ DE Jan 11. Nobody in the State and GOI noticed this development. This is a typical reflection of the mindset of some of the people. One wonders how GOI tolerates such persons and their actions. Kudos for writing such bold and thought provoking article.
Yours etc…..
Chander Mohan
on e-mail
The learned writer has highlighted the high handedness of Mian Abdul Qayoom the president of Kashmir High Court BAR Association. We appreciate two Advocates, Manzoor Ahmad Ganaie and Nazir Ahmad Malik who filed a writ petition challenging the diktat of Mian Abdul Qayoom in J&K High Court Srinagar. The writeup is thought provoking.
The unconcerned approach of Govt lawyers is also shocking. The unexpected role of senior Supreme Court Advocate Shabnum Gani Lone though professional in nature is qute welcome. The mention of irrelevant and outdated UN resolutions by Mian Abdul Qayoom has no  relevance after seven decades which  he knows but tries to hoodwink the common Kashmiri people for gaining popularity.
The response  of the Indian Govt to such anti India discourse is discouraging. The need of the hour is that the Central Govt must rise to the occasion and take some drastic steps to deal with such anti-social and anti-national elements. Justice in the State will previal when an individual will concentrate on his own sphere of duty and not meddle with the sphere of others.
Yours etc…
P L Koul Budgami, Jammu


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