Thiksay Gustor concludes with religious fervor, gaiety

People celebrating Thiksay Gustor at Leh. -Excelsior/Stanzin
People celebrating Thiksay Gustor at Leh. -Excelsior/Stanzin

Excelsior Correspondent
LEH, Nov 18: Three days Thiksay monastery festival popularly known as “Thiksay Gustor” concluded here today.
A large number of people including Executive Councilors, Councilors, SSP, Army officer, Political party heads, domestic and foreign tourists thronged the Thiksay monastery to witness the festival.
The main attraction of the festival was the colourful mask dances performed by monks with the rhythmic beat of religious musical instrument wearing spectacular costumes and brightly painted masks demonstrating good prevailing over evils.
Head Lama of Thiksey Monastery Thiksay Khenpo Nawang Chamba Stanzin Rinpochey said that the annual monastery festival is an occasion where monks in their best costumes performed ritual dances and it is a great opportunity to offer prayer and devotees should attend the festival with great faith and devotion to earn meritorious life.
He also mentioned that during festival the protective deities face which otherwise remained covered whole year are open for public only during this festival. He added that such kind of annual festival of different monastery protects the people from natural disaster, accident and other natural calamities to have a harmonious and prosperous life.
While giving a brief introduction about the festival, e Chamba Chospel the Chamspon of the Monastery told that monk have been performing special prayer over the past one week on the eve of their annual festival, praying for peace, prosperity and happiness to all beings.
He further added on the first day of the festival monks performed mask dance without wearing the mask which is called as “Dik” just like a rehearsal while on second day performances is known as “Serkim” where monks in their best costumes perform mask dances and finally on the last day is “Storma” a ritual of dispersal of “Storma” or the sacrificial cake made of barley flour and butter representing the destruction of all forms of evils.
Village Nambardar Nawang Chinba mentioned how the whole village enthusiastically participated in the festival with great devotion and faith.