The rightists and secularists

This refers to ‘State rejects religion-led politics’ by Nantoo Banerjee (DE 6 May). Nantoo Banerjee says that the millions of Hindus who shifted from East Pakistan to West Bengal in the aftermath of the partition owing to mayhem let loose against the Hindus by Muslim fanatics have forgotten the past and all that they want is education, decent life, jobs and peace.
The inference is that they voted for Mamta Banerjee and now they will get an education, decent life, and peaceful days. Can Nantoo Banerjee cite a single Islamic country where life is peaceful and where education is the primary concern of the Islamic state? Is there any country in the world more democratic, more humanitarian and more dedicated to the welfare of the citizens than France? The writer should get into contact with the French Ambassador in New Delhi or the French Consulate in Kolkatta and enquire from them how thankful the emigrant Muslims from the Middle East and North African countries have been to the facilities the French Government provides them.
K N Pandita