The flying Sikh speaks

The legendry Milkha Singh, lovingly called the flying Sikh, has given some suggestions of improving our athletics and sports in a manner that we are able to win some golds in the Olympics.  He is of firm conviction that real athletic and sport talent in our country comes from rural areas. All of our athletes who have made a mark in the history of international athletics hail from villages. He believes that we have large talent hidden among our youth in rural areas, which needs to be explored and exploited in national interest. Comparing contemporary conditions with those that obtained during his days, Milkha Singh says that today all facilities are available in the country for prospective athletes. We have stadiums, money, equipment, coaches, fields and exposure and these things were not available when he began running. As a schoolboy, Milkha Singh used to run 20 miles barefoot on hot sand to and from his school. He has emphasized on hard work and will to win the gold. He said there is no dearth of coaches in the country, though of course, at every stage improvement has to be made. Talent has to be caught when young. The great and renowned sprinter is optimistic that with hard work and confidence, our country will be able to produce athletes and sportsmen and women who can win gold medals in Olympic and other international games.
The message of this great Indian athlete is inspiring. He has advised the youth to work hard for winning some position in international meets. We are proud of this son of the soil and his message to our youth.