Terror being ‘incubated’ in India’s neighbourhood: Modi


With Pakistan obviously in mind, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said terrorism is being “incubated in India’s neighbourhood” and pressed for action without making any distinction against groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba, Taliban and ISIS who share the “same philosophy of hate, murder and killings”.
In his address to the joint sitting of US Congress here, he said terrorism has to be fought with “one voice” as he commended the American Parliament for sending out a clear message by refusing to “reward” those who preach and practice terrorism for political gains, an apparent reference to the blocking of sale of 8 F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan.
In the course of his 45-minute speech, he covered all major aspects of the growing relationship between India and the US, particularly strategic ties and civil nuclear cooperation, and emphasised that the two countries should leave “constraints of the past” behind as the “foundations of the future are firmly in place”.
Dressed in trademark white kurta pyjama and grey-coloured half-jacket, Modi was warmly received by the American lawmakers who interrupted his address more than 40 times to cheer him, a few times by standing. When his predecessor Manmohan Singh addressed the US Congress in 2005, his speech was applauded 33 times, according to Sanjay Baru, who was the Media Adviser to the then Prime Minister.
Underscoring that both India and the US share the vision of peace and prosperity of the world, the Prime Minister said “globally, terrorism remains the biggest threat” and it must be fought at many levels” as the traditional tools of military, intelligence or diplomacy alone would not be able to win defeat it.
“In the territory stretching from West of India’s border to Africa, it may go by different names, from Laskhar-e-Taiba, to Taliban to ISIS. But, it’s philosophy is common: of hate, murder and violence,” Modi said.
“Although it’s shadow is spreading across the world, it is incubated in India’s neighbourhood,” he said an apparent reference to Pakistan.
He said those who believe in humanity must come together to fight against terrorism as one and speak against this menace in one voice.
“I commend the members of the US Congress for sending a clear message to those who preach and practice terrorism for political gains,” Modi said, adding “Refusing to reward them is the first step towards holding them accountable for their actions.”
He was clearly referring to the blocking of sale of 8 F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan by the US Congress recently.
Emphasising that “terrorism must be delegitimized”, he said, “The need of the hour is for us to deepen our security cooperation.”
He said the cooperation should be based on a policy that “isolates those who harbour, support and sponsor terrorists; that does not distinguish between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ terrorists; and that delinks religion from terrorism.”
The Prime Minister noted that both the countries have lost civilians and soldiers in combating terrorism and highlighted how the US stood by India in the aftermath of terror attack in Mumbai in November 2008, which originated from Pakistan.
Observing that India-US “relationship is primed for a momentous future”, the Prime Minister said a strong partnership between the two countries can anchor peace, prosperity and stability from Asia to Africa and from Indian Ocean to the Pacific.
“It can also help ensure security of the sea lanes of commerce and freedom of navigation on seas,” he said, adding India is already assuming its responsibilities in securing the Indian Ocean region.
He used the occasion to pitch apparently for the UN reform as he said, “but the effectiveness of our cooperation would increase if international institutions, framed with the mindset of the 20th century, were to reflect the realities of today.”
Modi, who invoked Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda and Atal Bihari Vajpayee in his speech, said India and the US, the world’s largest and oldest democracies, had learnt a lot from each other’s philosophies and practices, making them “natural allies”.
“As we deepen our partnership, there would be times when we would have differing perspectives. But, since our interests and concerns converge, the autonomy in decision-making and diversity in our perspectives can only add value to our partnership,” he said, adding “So, as we embark on a new journey, and seek new goals, let us focus not just on matters routine but transformational ideas.”
He said these ideas should focus “not just on creating wealth but also creating value for our societies; not just on immediate gains but also long term benefits; not just on sharing best practices but also shaping partnerships; and not just on building a bright future for our peoples, but in being a bridge to a more united, humane and prosperous world.
“And, important for the success of this journey would be a need to view it with new eyes and new sensitivities. When we do this, we will realise the full promise of this extraordinary relationship.”
Asserting that India’s strong economy is creating “new opportunities”, Modi pitched for advancing the Indo-US economic relationship, saying India could be the “ideal partner” for American businesses.
“In every sector of India’s forward march, I see the US as an indispensable partner. Many of you also believe that a stronger and prosperous India is in America’s strategic interest. Let us work together to convert shared ideals into practical cooperation,” Modi said.
Highlighting that India’s strong economy with a growth rate of 7.6 per cent per annum is creating “new opportunities for mutual prosperity”, Modi said transformative American technologies in India and growing investment by Indian companies in the US both have a positive impact on the lives of citizens of both countries.
“There can be no doubt that in advancing this relationship, both nations stand to gain in great measure. As the US businesses search for new areas of economic growth, markets for their goods, a pool of skilled resources, and global locations to produce and manufacture, India could be their ideal partner,” the Prime Minister said.
“Today, for their global research and development centres, India is the destination of choice for the US companies. Looking eastward from India, across the Pacific, the innovation strength of our two countries comes together in California,” Modi said.
He stated that the innovative genius of America and India’s intellectual creativity are working to shape new industries of the future.
Observing that the 21st century has brought with it great opportunities, Modi said it also comes with its own set of challenges.
“Inter-dependence is increasing. But, while some parts of the world are islands of growing economic prosperity; others are mired in conflicts. In Asia, the absence of an agreed security architecture creates uncertainty,” Modi said.
“Threats of terror are expanding, and new challenges are emerging in cyber and outer-space. And, global institutions conceived in 20th century, seem unable to cope with new challenges or take on new responsibilities,” he said.
Modi asserted that in a world full of multiple transitions and economic opportunities, growing uncertainties and political complexities, existing threats and new challenges, Indo-US engagement can make a difference by promoting — cooperation not dominance, connectivity not isolation, respect for global commons, inclusive not exclusive mechanisms and above all adherence to international rules and norms.
Observing that there are over 30 million practitioners of Yoga in America, Modi told members of the US Congress that India has not yet claimed IPR on Yoga.
“SIRI tells us that India’s ancient heritage of Yoga has over 30 million practitioners in the US. It is estimated that more Americans bend for yoga than to throw a curve ball.
“And, no Mr Speaker (Paul Ryan), we have not yet claimed intellectual property rights on Yoga,” Modi said.
SIRI is an iPhone programme that serves as an intelligent personal assistant and knowledge navigator, using sequential inference and contextual awareness to help perform personal tasks and answer questions.
“Connecting our two nations is also a unique and dynamic bridge of three million Indian-Americans,” Modi said underscoring that the people to people links are strong and there is close cultural connect between the two societies.
“Today, they are among your best CEOs; academics; astronauts; scientists; economists; doctors; even spelling bee champions. They are your strength. They are also the pride of India. They symbolise the best of both our societies,” he said.
In the course of his 45-minute speech, Modi covered all major aspects of the growing relationship between India and the US, particularly strategic ties and civil nuclear cooperation, and emphasised that the two countries should leave “constraints of the past” behind as the “foundations of the future are firmly in place”.
In 2014, the UN General Assembly recognised June 21 as the International Yoga Day after 177 member states supported the draft moved by India.
The first International Day of Yoga was observed world over on June 21, 2015.
Modi defended India’s human rights record, saying for his Government, the Constitution is the “real holy book” that provides freedom of faith and speech to all citizens regardless of their background.
“India lives as one; India grows as one and India celebrates as one,” Modi said in his address to a joint meeting of the US Congress at the invitation of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Paul Ryan.
“For my Government, the Constitution is its real holy book. And, in that holy book, freedom of faith, speech and franchise, and equality of all citizens, regardless of background, are enshrined as fundamental rights,” Modi said.
His remarks came against the backdrop of the Congress- mandated US Commission for International Religious Freedom’s annual report that claimed religious freedom in India was on a “negative trajectory” in 2015 as religious tolerance “deteriorated” and religious freedom violations “increased”.
“800 million of my countrymen may exercise the freedom of franchise once every five years. But, all the 1.25 billion of our citizens have freedom from fear, which they exercise every moment of their lives,” said the Prime Minister.
Delivering his remarks in English, Modi said India and the US may have been shaped by differing histories, cultures, and faiths.
“Yet, our belief in democracy for our nations and liberty for our countrymen is common. The idea that all citizens are created equal may be a central pillar of the American constitution,” he said.
“But, our founding fathers too shared the same belief and sought individual liberty for every citizen of India. There were many who doubted India when, as a newly independent nation, we reposed our faith in democracy. Indeed, wagers were made on our failure. But, the people of India did not waver,” Modi said.
“Our founders created a modern nation with freedom, democracy, and equality as the essence of its soul. And, in doing so, they ensured that we continued to celebrate our age old diversity,” he said.
“Today: across its streets and institutions; in its villages and cities; anchored in equal respect for all faiths; and in the melody of hundreds of its languages and dialects. India lives as one; India grows as one; India celebrates as one,” the Prime Minister said.
Modi said India applauds, the great sacrifices of the men and women from ‘The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave’ in service of mankind.
“India knows what this means because our soldiers too have fallen in distant battlefields for the same ideals. That is why the threads of freedom and liberty form a strong bond between our two democracies,” he added. (PTI)