Teachers, students suffer as Khadniyar schools lack facilities

Pitiable condition of a school in Baramulla district.
Pitiable condition of a school in Baramulla district.

Suhail Bhat
Srinagar, Dec 2: The teachers and students of Government Girls High School and Government Boys Middle School at Khadniyar in Baramulla district are facing immense hardships as there is no electricity, heating facility and drinking water in these institutes and the approach to the twin schools is in shambles, forcing both teachers and students to climb 109 steps.
The students of the schools who come from adjoining five villages have to cross makeshift bridges to reach the schools thereby putting their lives at risk. “Every route leading to school goes through a canal and none has a bridge. At this time the canals are dry so the students are easily crossing the canals. If it rains slightly they have to first arrange makeshift bridge to reach schools,” said a local.
Situated just five kilometers from main town of Baramulla, Government Girls High School and Government Boys Middle School operate within the same premises providing education to nearly 184 students that include 112 high school students and 72 middle school students. The twin schools provide education to students of nearly five neighboring villages including Brainwari Gujjar Pati tribal village.
Ruqaya Bano, who is headmistress of Government Girls High School Khadniyar, while narrating her plight, said she has to climb more than one hundred steps to reach to the school “which is detrimental to her health. “There is no transportation towards our school and the private vehicles refuse to ply owing to the condition of the road. We face lots of issues to reach here,” said the headmistress.
She also said there is no drinking water in the school, no heating arrangements. When asked if they have enough teaching staff, she said: “Who wants to teach at remote places? We have just six teachers for the Middle School and ten teachers for High School which is not enough”.
“Look at the schools at the main Baramulla town there are more teachers than students. Our High School Headmaster has been shifted to some other place and I am myself taking care of both schools, she added”
Chief Education Officer, Baramulla, Mushtaq Ahmad said: “I will personally visit these schools and assess the situation there. As far as the heating arrangements are concerned, I will install those by tomorrow. I will take up the issue of the approach road with the Road and Buildings Department and will also discuss the situation with local administration”.