Tawi river

As we all know that river Tawi is a major source of drinking water for the old city. But now a days Jammu city is mainly witnessing water contamination of the river Tawi. Increasing pollution of the river Tawi is a cause of concern for everyone and also a big issue for the environmentalists as well. Industries, factories, people living in colonies, slums and rural areas everyone pollute this sacred river. Agricultural residues, insecticides and pesticides also equally contribute to the pollution of river. Also people wash their clothes, utensils and defecate in the river and pollute it. Water pollution has been extensively documented as a contributor to health problems in humans and marine animal ecosystems. It has a huge impact on our lives and if we do our part by not throwing trash or chemicals in our water supplies and drains, we can contribute to the improvement of aquatic life and of our health in general. There needs to be smart way of using water and sharing it. The State Government as well as J&K Pollution Control Board should take a note of this concern and must come up with a genuine solution to mark a check over the Tawi river pollution. Then and only then we can gift clean river Tawi to our future generations.
Vivek Koul
32, Bank Colony
Gole Gujral