Nobody was convinced that the Tawi Lake Project would be brought to completion by July 2013. These fears have come true. Engineers deployed on the project contend that for various reasons, and more especially for starving the project for funds, the work cannot be brought to completion before the end of the year. No wonder, this is one more example of slackness on the part of concerned.
This Rs 70 crore project is coming up with Rs 25 crore Central assistance, Rs 25 crore is awarded by the 13th Finance Commission while rest, Rs 20 crore have been arranged from the State Planning Department. It is intriguing that out of the Rs. 25 crore which is the share of the 13th Financial Commission hardly Rs 6.25 crore has been released so far while rest of the amount is pending. How can the project reach completion when funds already sanctioned are not released in time? We would entreat the authorities to stop joking with the Jammu citizenry and release funds without a single day’s delay. The project must come up as soon as possible because the citizens have been given assurance that this would be a wonderful picnic spot for the recreation of the people.