Tapping hydropower

This has reference to the news item ‘Governor establishes empowered committee to harass small hydro, solar power potential’ DE Jan. 31.
The Jammu and Kashmir State is endowed with immense water potential. The functioning of various hydro power projects in the State is a testimony to this fact. But these projects entail a lot of money for their construction and functioning which a State like Jammu & Kashmir cannot afford. Besides, it consumer a lot of time to install a Hydro Power Station. The experts had therefore suggested to go for small power stations. These do not involve much money and time. There are numerous villages which are located at far flung areas and do not receive electricity yet. These villages can be electrified by tapping hydro power potential.
The Government must identify these spots, and provide finance for executing the projects. Besides being cost effective, they are environment friendly too.
Yours etc…
Veer Singh


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