Swachh Bharat Mission

A mission to make India Swachh is indeed unique both in words and spirit. India is a country of saints,  faqirs and prophets who always stressed not only on the purity of the body but also on purity of the soul. Cleanlines is next to Godliness corroborates the truth how it is indispensible in one’s life. But until mentality is changed, civic sense and mass co-operation and participation is attained, the mission may not succeed. Therefore, mere slogans though woven with the golden words can’t achieve the desired results. Much more is needed to be done to reach the goal. If everyone, tries and refrain any activity that makes our motherland dirty and unworthy of living beautifully, it is absolutely not so difficult. Feelings of oneness and nationalism and the love for the motherland if nourished in every one’s heart, the mission as launched by our PM, will touch the sky-height. Let us all join whole heartedly in this supreme cause.
Yours etc….
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunderbani)