Following unexpected surge in COVID-19 infection cases in Jammu and Kashmir also , and the schools remaining open and even instances of some students and faculty members testing positive for the virus coupled with the worries of the parents of students, the administration deciding to close all schools for students up to 9th class for two weeks is a well thought of precautionary measure. Likewise, classes for students of 10 to 12 also stand suspended for a week. In other words, all schools have been ordered to be closed for few days in order to tide over the situation which plainly speaking has arisen due to adopting of laxities and carefree approach towards mandatorily wearing masks and maintaining physical distance. Agreed, schools especially for crucial 10th and 12th classes cannot be afforded to be closed indefinitely as COVID -19 was unlikely to get evaporated for ever so soon but since health and safety cannot be compromised, closing schools under the circumstances seems to be the only alternative.