Suicide attacks

This pertains to a number of suicide attacks carried out by militants at Letpora Pulwama, Sopore and other  places.
It is heartrending to mention that we have lost 86 security forces personnel  and 97 civilians in 2017. The militants succeeded in their evil designs although some inputs with regard to attack had been made  in advance by the special agency. These were planned attacks  while keeping time and place in mind. The security forces and the people of Kashmir have to bear the brunt of  militancy.  These attacks have brought forth some lapses also on the part of our security forces for which advance inputs with regard to militant activities need to be strengthened largely and wherever there seems any lacuna must be addressed immediately and once for all. It is a sad state of affairs to describe here how long innocent people have to suffer ? Perhaps there seems no answer . We are losing our sons, someone losing his  parents and others  losing their sons. As the new year has dawned, let us hope Pakistan desists from promoting militants so that peace prevails in the State.
Yours etc….
Soom Nath Raina