Is the MLA listening?

Could any Minister or at least the concerned MLA  know personally and on the spot , the extreme plight of the residents of the link road opposite Dreamland School right down up to Paloura main road which is dug out at numerous spots  having all over ditches , heaps of rubble , stones etc making it impossible to walk not to speak take a two wheeler or a vehicle.
ERA had started digging right in 2008 and after long intervals they come up , dig a deep well type of a thing called tank , leave it unattended for months together. Then some other such works are  done on this road at their will .How much can we residents explain , let the concerned MLA  at least visit this road and enquire as to why is this road kept in such condition for years together.
Imagine an emergency like outbreak of a fire or any other emergency , no help can reach us as the road is  only not motorable  but not even fit for pedestrians.
Added to the difficulties is dumping of all dirt and filth in the Nallah  adjoining this road  by whatsoever  wants throwing palls  of stinking  fumes .Is it that the present MLA is not to contest any election and needs no votes? Whatever the case , he  must own his responsibility at least for the present term for which we unfortunately elected him ?
Yours etc….
Ramesh Sharma
Paloura, Jammu