SU hosts first official TOCFL Mandarin exam

Students of Shoolini University posing for a group photograph after attending the TOCFL Mandarin exam on Sunday.
Students of Shoolini University posing for a group photograph after attending the TOCFL Mandarin exam on Sunday.

Excelsior Correspondent

SOLAN, May 26: Setting a precedent for the entire Himachal Pradesh region, Shoolini University (SU) hosted the first official Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) Mandarin exam here today.
The test was conducted in collaboration with the Taiwan Embassy at Shoolini University,
The event saw enthusiastic participation from 23 Shoolini students, alongside three examinees from IIT Ropar.
The presence of Taiwanese Mandarin teacher Xiao Jia-feng and the Chief Invigilator Ho Mei-Tzu, an officer from the TOCFL Mandarin exam center of the Taiwan Embassy, added to the exam’s credibility and importance.
Three Shoolini students undertook the higher-level Band A exam for the first time.
Achieving Band A certificates is expected to significantly enhance their career prospects in the Chinese-speaking world and with international companies.
The Taiwan Education Center has committed to recommending these students for job interviews with prominent Taiwanese companies, including Foxconn in India.
Notably, Foxconn manufactures 70% of iPhones globally.
Shoolini University is planning to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Foxconn in July, which will allow Shoolini students to bypass the initial document review stage, typically a highly competitive process.
The students who participated in the TOCFL exam will be eligible to apply for the Annual MOE Mandarin Scholarships. These scholarships provide a generous stipend of Rs 65,000 INR per month for 2 to 3 months to study Mandarin in Taiwan.
Students achieving Band A level certificates may also qualify for extended scholarships, lasting more than six months.