The students of MHAC Nagbani, who emerged victorious in boys’ event and bagged runners-up trophy in girls category in DAV Cluster Level competition in the discipline Yoga held at Dayanand Model School, Model Town, Jallandhar, recently. The boys team comprised of Akash Sharma XI-A, Mohammad Hussain XI-A, Abhishek Sharma IX-B, Gaurav Singh IX-B and Divya Sagar IX-F, while the girls team included Akanksha Bhatt XII-A, Nandita X-B, Nanika Rajput XI-B, Mansi Sharma IX-F and Atishi Sharma IX-E. Winners posing for a group photograph alongwith the School Management.

The students of MHAC Nagbani, who emerged victorious in boys’ event and bagged runners-up trophy in girls category in DAV Cluster Level competition in the discipline Yoga held at Dayanand Model School, Model Town, Jallandhar, recently. The boys team comprised of Akash Sharma XI-A, Mohammad Hussain XI-A, Abhishek Sharma IX-B, Gaurav Singh IX-B and Divya Sagar IX-F, while the girls team included Akanksha Bhatt XII-A, Nandita X-B, Nanika Rajput XI-B, Mansi Sharma IX-F and Atishi Sharma IX-E. Winners posing for a group photograph alongwith the School Management.
The students of MHAC Nagbani, who emerged victorious in boys’ event and bagged runners-up trophy in girls category in DAV Cluster Level competition in the discipline Yoga held at Dayanand Model School, Model Town, Jallandhar, recently. The boys team comprised of Akash Sharma XI-A, Mohammad Hussain XI-A, Abhishek Sharma IX-B, Gaurav Singh IX-B and Divya Sagar IX-F, while the girls team included Akanksha Bhatt XII-A, Nandita X-B, Nanika Rajput XI-B, Mansi Sharma IX-F and Atishi Sharma IX-E. Winners posing for a group photograph alongwith the School Management.

The students of MHAC Nagbani, who emerged victorious in boys’ event and bagged runners-up trophy in girls category in DAV Cluster Level competition in the discipline Yoga held at Dayanand Model School, Model Town, Jallandhar, recently. The boys team comprised of Akash Sharma XI-A, Mohammad Hussain XI-A, Abhishek Sharma IX-B, Gaurav Singh IX-B and Divya Sagar IX-F, while the girls team included Akanksha Bhatt XII-A, Nandita X-B, Nanika Rajput XI-B, Mansi Sharma IX-F and Atishi Sharma IX-E. Winners posing for a group photograph alongwith the School Management.