Any step that the Government or the High Court takes to speed up prosecution and reduce pendency is welcome. We have a Himalayan mountain of pending cases in the High Court and in subordinate courts. The enormous task of disposing off this load is not that easy. The number of the judges of the High Court has been increased but the remaining vacancies also need to be filled up. The Minister of Law has assured the Assembly that the Government is seized of the problem of pendency and is actively taking steps to raise the strength of judicial functionaries to a level that it will be possible to administer quick justice to the justice seekers. Filling the vacancies of judicial officers, munsifs and others need to be expedited. The decision of the Government to constitute Law Commission is welcome. At the same time the efforts of providing legal assistance to persons who are unable to fight their case is a humanitarian act which has to be lauded in any case. Establishment of 22 Dehi Adalats or village courts is a very welcome step and will go a long way in mitigating the difficulties of people living in village because their access to justice is rare and difficult. We will expect the government to give all wherewithals to the Dehi adalats so that these are functional in letter and in spirit. The people must not only feel but find in practice that their legal issues are dealt with justly and with maximum speed.