In the process of streamlining the administration, the Union Government has been constantly reviewing the performance of Government employees of various categories and taking a decision thereof whether their services should or should not be retained. Answering a question in the Rajya Sabha, Dr Jitendra Singh, who holds the portfolio of Personnel also, said that service records of 11,828 Group ‘A’ and 19,714 Group ‘B’ officers have been reviewed so far. More than 130 officers have been given premature retirement in the past over two years. This number includes some IAS and IPS officers as well. It has to be noted that this is not an arbitrary decision of the Union Government but an action completely in conformity with the provisions of the law and service rules. The point that we would like to give much importance is that in our State, there has been a lot of talk about “deadwood”. The word began to make rounds with the PDP Government’s first stint in power in 2002. But so far we have not seen the outcome of the weeding out of the deadwood. In these columns we have, more than once, brought to the public gaze the cases of corruption and inefficiency against a number of Government employees against whom inquiry has been going on for several years during which some of them have retired and others have left the world and the inquiry will never come to an end. This is the farce of removing the deadwood from the administrative structure. The State Government ought to learn from the example of the Central Government if it also aspires for good governance.