GHAZIABAD: Warning of a lurking cyber attack threat to India’s critical infrastructure, Home Minister Rajnath Singh today asked those in the power, rail and nuclear energy sectors to conduct regular cyber-security audits against potential sabotage bids.
Addressing CISF jawans and officers on the 49th raising day of the paramilitary force at its camp here, Singh said a cyber-security plan against such new age threats should not only be prepared but also strengthened from time to time.
The about 1.54-lakh-personnel-strong CISF is tasked with guarding 59 civil airports in the country and other vital facilities in the aerospace, nuclear and electrical power domains among others.
Singh, who took the salute of the CISF anniversary parade, said data theft, fraud and hacking were some of the major threats to India’s critical assets and networks in the power sector, railways, nuclear power and airports as there had been attempts to penetrate their defence and breach the firewall.
Critical industrial and strategic installations of the country should get a cyber-security audit done regularly to keep a check on potential sabotage and hacking-like attacks, he said (AGENCIES)