Stop this wastage of water

Water is the most precious thing of the nature. It can neither be created nor made unless got from the natural sources. The population of Jammu is increasing day by day , the number of tourists  is increasing day by day. More residential  houses,  hotels and guest houses are coming up all needing more and more water. Is it not our prime duty to save each and every drop of this precious commodity? Should there be not a severe penalty for its misuse and wastage? What if the PHE department itself is proving just reckless in preventing the wastage of water? The Minister in charge must put forth his views and the list of measures pursued to check wastage of water.  I have chanced to visit the  court for some personal work in summer as well as in winter months and to my surprise have found water from this huge premises getting leaked, pipes bursting and hundreds of gallons of water getting washed away and wasted. Not only at one or two spots but at many spots .
Not only this , the water tanks continue to overflow all the time the supply is on as they have no checks and systems to automatically prevent overflowing . Many areas are struggling for water supply while such clossal wastage could have been diverted to such water scant localities. Public awareness is needed very much.
Yours etc….
Jatinder Jamwal
Bhagwati Nagar