Stop this provocation across India

Shiban Khaibri
The push has unfortunately come to more than a shove, let net business be talked without beating around the bush as whatever is happening across the country for the last many days , without absolutely any ground or reason, is an organised , well planned and diabolically executed spate of arson, vandalism, provocative slogans, destruction of public and private property, cops chased and hit, select media attacked , trains and buses stoned and burnt, even school going buses targeted etc. These are no protests but something beyond and should cause alarm to those who love this country and treat it as their very own. The disgruntled, vanquished and rejected politicians and self proclaimed champions of liberty, intellectual ‘spark and wisdom’ as also pseudo secularists call these violent protests and holding to ransom metro services, smooth traffic on roads, malls, shops, offices , cities and educational institutions all acts of “peace” and to save democracy, protect constitution and upholding something like “Idea of India” . They mischievously call it as voice of peaceful aggrieved and suppressed poor people .
But why, is anyone threatened or robbed? Who is behind setting India ablaze and what for and, therefore, testing the levels of endurance of those who allowed this country , yes, with emphasis on “allow” — to be secular even after seeing it partitioned on fanatic religious grounds vociferously and aggressively demanded by the Muslim League and readily allowed in 1947 by Gandhi , Nehru and other Congress leaders. The Indian people , at the outset, those who form 80 percent of the population of this country and against whom provocative and derogatory slogans were raised from the campus of AMU and other places that they have all these days remained silent , peaceful, unprovoked but greatly anguished that they did not come on roads to counter and silence these riotous lynching mobs who looked as if ransacking and destroying some enemy country and its assets. God forbid, just an imagination of that, would send shivers down the spine and let that never happen as the country , our country would be affected that way considerably.
Congress President Sonia Gandhi recently speaking at a rally at Delhi’s historic Ramlila Grounds openly exhorted “people” to step out of their homes and join the struggle to save the ‘Idea of India’ and constitutional democracy. She said, “Tolerating injustice is the biggest crime , raise your voice and tell the Modi- Shah Government that we are ready to make any sacrifices to protect our democracy , we are ready for a sustained struggle to “save” the constitution.” What else is further needed to provoke people for resorting to violence and vandalism than these words …….”step out of homes”, …. “join the struggle”,….. “raise your voice” , ……”make any sacrifices”, ……”sustained struggle”. Note the words “Any sacrifice” , “Sustained struggle” meaning going overtime and continuously (perhaps, till Congress returned to power). Could Sonia Ji explain something about what “injustice” was there around not to be tolerated specifically. What she meant by “tell Modi-Shah Government” ?
It is not something like proprietorship concern of Modi-Shah but a democratically constitutionally and legally elected Government with the mandate of 90 crores of voters and it was a cabinet form of Government where Shah was one of the cabinet ministers and Modi was one among the equals or at best, the ‘First among the equals’. There was no remote controlling system in this Government where, in addition to the Bête-noire of Congress the BJP , is joined by other parties as well. By the way, could Sonia Ji acquaint us with as to what and how much she knew about India and what was her and Rahul Ji’s ‘Idea of India’ if not anything except the Congress rule exclusively or supported by or in coalition with other “secular” parties.
There is another tragedy which has struck West Bengal and that is the type of most unwarranted and cheap politics going on there especially since the fall of the Left Front Government . The Chief Minister recently declaring at a public function that there should be a referendum or a plebiscite by agencies like the UNO or some other “international” agency to find out the entire gamut of the issues regarding NRC and CAA in India. India and in particular, West Bengal, were destined to see such black and worst days, at least was beyond the imagination of even India’s worst enemies. Patriotic people must rue over it as it is not an ordinary statement and was fraught with dangerous consequences and ramifications . It is not only a grave insult to the Parliament , the supreme legislative Body of the Republic where peoples’ chosen representatives make laws under a well defined process as provided for in the constitution of India like the one under reference, but was a calculated attack on the country’s sovereignty and democratic set up and integrity and also an insult to the judiciary especially the upholder and protector of the Constitution of India , the Supreme Court which opens even in the middle of night to hear a petition of constitutional importance and issue directions. Since Supreme Court has refused to grant stay on the Citizen Amendment Act 2019 (CAA), Mamta Banerjee has sought intervention of the World Body forgetting that West Bengal was a constituent of India and not an independent sovereign country. She can go this far for her vote Bank is reprehensible and condemnable.
Was it not the same Mamta Banerjee who on August 4, 2005 tore and threw papers on the speaker, taking street level protests right up to and in the Parliament demanding a law to oust illegal Bangladeshi immigrants , even tendering her resignation on the issue terming the influx as a “disaster” . Then she was out of power and once in power, her love and affection for Muslim illegal migrants from the three neighbouring theocratic Islamic countries has amplified and surged to this extent that in addition to those , even Myanmar’s illegal Muslim Rohingyas are acceptable to her as VIPs and wants them settled and helped in West Bengal . She has threatened that she would not implement NCR nor the CAA in “her” Bengal. If such wishes were horses, anti CAA and NRC tirade would ride on them .
Mamta did not just stop at that , she is reported to have warned Modi in the same public meeting that coming Friday ( the day these lines are written), there will be skull cap protests against the CAA . How did she know about it and if she knew as admitted, why no Police bandobust to pre-empt such move was made or she wants anything under the sun in the name of protests and even protests too – what for. It was this very skull cap which Modi had not unintentionally once worn and all pseudo secularists were up in arms against him , now the same skull cap is used by the West Bengal CM. She knows the arithmetic of appeasement and vote bank politics as in 2014 she bagged 40 percent Muslim votes which shot up to 70 percent in 2019 as against 40 and 29 percent Hindu votes respectively.
Now , see the height of the immediate aftermaths of conversion to Congress ideology, Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray whose party Shiv Sena until recently, was an ally of the Central Government under whom Delhi Police works, has threatened the Central Government not to touch and ignite the “power” of the youth as it was like a “bomb”. He has not stopped at that but has gone too far and hyperbolic in comparing police ‘action’ in Jamia Milia as akin to Jalianwala Bagh massacre. Police , failing after repeated pleas and even cajoling had to enter the Jamia Milia after the protests turned violent, buses were burnt, stones , tube lights, petrol bombs thrown , many civilians leaving their cars on the way and running for shelter . Thackeray was silent over how the huge number of 750 fake identity cards were prepared in the Jamia Milia and what for and who was behind it . Perhaps, he has not read even at elementary level, about the Jalianwala Bagh massacre where the then Government appointed Hunter Committee reported 379 deaths and 1500 injured as against much more in actuality . How could he, in the burst of proving more loyal than the king, compare entering of Police in Jamia campus with Jalianwala Bagh massacre and thus commit disrespect to the unarmed peaceful martyrs of 1919.
These protests are only and only pent up feelings of hate against Modi and against Modi and BJP nothing else than that but why? That should be clear. The opposition and spurious but pro separatists , pro Maoists and pro Naxal intellectuals failed in their Godra 2002 campaign against Modi , they failed to do so in Triple Talaq , they failed in encashment of scrapping of Articles 370 and 35 A , they miserably failed in whipping up public sentiments in demonetisation, in GST and in exploiting Ram Janam Bhoomi court verdict but this CAA came readily in their hands to exploit it to the hilt and through misinformation, misleading and mischievous propaganda succeed in scaring and inciting large groups of Muslims. This move of theirs too shall not succeed in anyway whatsoever as sooner than later, the misled ones will come to know that the CAA was not applying to any Indian but applied only to non Indians and those only who crossed to this side before or up to December 2014 . Then, what is this Mephistophelian fuss all about ?