SSI units in shambles

Refer news item ‘Scores of SSI units suffer as Govt fails to clear liability worth Rs 200 cr’ DE April 23, 2019.
The Small Scale Industrial (SSI) units in the State constitute one of the major sources for generating employment opportunities in the State, and being backbone of the State’s economy. These units have remained in the news for one or the other wrong reasons. At a time when there is tremendous increase in unemployments, every effort must be made to keep these units throbbing. The State does not have a big industrial base due to various reasons.
In case these units stop working, it will give a serious blow to the State economy.
The Government must clear all dues it owns to these SSIs and resolve any management problem facing them.
It is suggested here that Government must constitute a body comprising of well known businessmen, bureaucrats and technicians who could suggest remedial measures for their proper functioning.
Rajiv Malhotra


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