Anju Shalla ‘Anjlal’
The advent of spring besides showing hectic tax-tantarums,brings with itself hundred thousands of coos and caas from birds of varied hues in and around my home sweet home. My god! What a noise and squeaks by these little creatures,spoiling the much desired morning nap of one and all. The very emergence of dawn on the horizon sends dozens of sparrows,bulbuls,mainas–chirping and clattering from all the four directions–surpassing all the permissible decibels of resonance. All grumbling and growling but a lo!feeling totally helpless and handicapped before these mighty mights.
Be it the wall clock in the dinning room or a pelmet for curtain, inside of a lamp shade or a hanging chandelier—a beeline of birds invading inside to find a suitable place for their nesting.Ranging from leaflets to grasslets, plastic threads to dead worms vis-a-vis all sorts of trash picked in their beaks start their architecture irrespective of the inconvenience caused to we–the hapless souls.
Leaving home in the morning I’d always make it a point to make all clean of all the nooks and corners but the return on mid-day presented an altogether a different picture with bundles of straw clinging from anywhere and everywhere.
Every cleaning operation would send me in tizzy with extreme wrath, agony and desperation. How I wanted to get rid of this menace by any means –fair or foul.In a bid, twice I kept a pair of sparrows all shut in drawing room for one full day;deriving at least some solace and satisfaction for punishing both chidda and chiddia for their (mis)deeds. Also I left one of the fans playing so that a big -bang hit by its blades can teach a lesson to these mischief mongers but alas! all in vain.
In this hulla-bulla of seething and fretting, my rage rose to subnormal levels but still continuing my tug of war, I closed all the ‘ins’ and ‘exits’,created barricades on all the vulnerable points feeling wee and glee that at long last i’d gain some victory over these warriors.
The battle between me and dare devils lasted for a complete fortnight only to be awaken one fine morning by a sweet melody of chirp——chirp, toooooo—–sweet and tooooo—–musical. Not relying too much on my senses, I hard stressed my ears to ensure my belief in my hearing. Peeping and creeping I could locate the direction of sweet chirps. Being too high it could be reached only after climbing over a chair kept on a double tin box—–only to be received by four little newly born sweet sparrows with their beaks protruding towards me as if asking “what u got for us”
Lo and behold! this time there was no anger and frustration, no browbeating even but a feeling of warmth and love filling my heart. Only if I could touch them,kiss them and hug them.
Getting down from the site,the innumerable amount of trash spread all around no more rattled my nerves but instead brought back a blissful smile on my otherwise stretched lips.Love my these cuties.