SOPs on official websites updating

Despite slew of administrative instructions right from 2017 in respect of keeping on continuous basis official websites abreast of latest developments or regularly update them, there has been no worthwhile response from the concerned departments barring a few only . The requirement being primarily to fulfil the very purpose of having such official websites all in the interests of the general public and even prospective investors, it has rightly now been decided to advise Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for both continuous and concurrent updating of such websites. It may be noted that such instructions have been issued for the first time to bring home the importance of keeping the websites ”perfectly alive”. Some part of seriousness about the entire issue on daily basis cannot be compromised with unless the disadvantages in its absence could be afforded to be borne. Why should even the e-mail IDs be non -functional meaning thereby they were never cared to be put into use knowing fully that the advantages of the IT facilities having entered into almost each and every administrative activity can neither be postponed nor even in the least, treated as optional. Wherefrom could the general public know latest about which schemes of their interest were sponsored by the government and other details about those and even others associated indirectly about such schemes unless those sites were made worth navigating and all the latest was fed into them. Now that the SOPs are issued, there is hardly any room to afford not to comply with