The story of five-year long stalemate over the completion of a byepass bridge at Sopore is a classical example of inefficiency and incompetence of the concerned quarters. The bridge that should have been completed in 2008 is hanging fire even after expiry of five years of contemplated date. Reports speak about complaints on both sides meaning the Border Roads Construction, which is the executing agency, and the contracting company called Mir & Co Construction. We do not want to go into the plethora of complaints. The simple question is that the purpose of building the bridge was to mitigate the difficulties and suffering of a large number of people in the areas. Since their suffering has not been removed for so many years, they are gradually loosing trust in Government agency. If the contract was to bring the bridge to completion in 2008, the contractor has to explain why the date could not be kept and what will be the penalty. If the contractor is able to put forth convincing arguments, which cannot be challenged by commonsense and the logic of the transaction, then of course his case needs to be considered with sympathy. Why should the stalemate be allowed to prevail and to the detriment of the common people? It is unacceptable. The responsibilities have to be fixed and the Government should intervene in the matter and find a solution of the impasse.
It has also to be remembered that Sopore and its hinterland is important commercial area. The byepass bridge would boost the economy of the area and also provide communication facilities to a large number of people. These are vital areas of concern for the Government and the people as well. It is desirable that the Government intervenes and finds out a solution that does justice to the stakeholders.