SKIMS holds academic event on advances in Nuclear Medicine

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, Nov 25: The Department of Nuclear Medicine, SKIMS today conducted a two-day academic event under the theme of ‘Recent Advances in Nuclear Medicine: Imaging and Therapy’.
During the first day of the event, a day-long scientific program was held in which various experts deliberated on various topics of significance including recent advances in the management of Lymphoma, PET-guided CT Biopsy, PET CT in brain tumours and radiotherapy planning in brain tumours etc.
The scientific sessions were chaired by experts which included Prof. M Maqbool Lone, Prof. Feroz Shaheen, Prof Fir Afroz, Prof. Javaid Rasool, Prof Farooq A Jan and others. Director SKIMS complimented the department for organizing the event and said that it will benefit the students, faculty and others.
HoD Prof. Tanveer Ahmad Rather highlighted the achievements of the department and deliberated in detail on “nuclear medicine in SKIMS present past and future”. He thanked the administration for its support and said that the event is mainly focused on sharing scientific knowledge to improve patient care.
HoD Department of Urology Prof. Saleem Wani gave a detailed presentation on guidelines for the management of prostate cancer. The event was attended by heads of the departments, heads of various institutions, faculty, students and scholars.