Your 13th December 2013 editorial, “Sirens and red beacons” made a good read as you voiced not only the serious concern of Supreme Court of India but above all the feelings of so many right thinking and honest persons of our society. Our supreme court has very rightly laid down that nobody except the highest dignitaries like President, Prime Minister, Chief Justice of India, Cabinet Ministers, Governors, Chief Ministers and Chiefs of three defense services, in the country shall use these facilities, besides by some senior Government authorities that too when on duty only and not otherwise.
It is true that not only on roads but even in streets, markets, schools, marriage functions, outside the cinema halls and even on crematoriums these red light vehicles make their presence. It is seen everyday that children of the Government officers are dropped in educational institutions and picked back in the beacon fitted vehicles, in evening families of officers move in the market for shopping or attending the marriages by travelling in these red light vehicles and even on crematoriums these vehicles are seen openly carrying families of officers. Whereas these vehicles are meant to pick and drop the officers from home to office and vice versa.
Yours etc…..
Ajay Gupta,
New Plot, Jammu.