Busting of a Lashkar-i-Toiba module in Budgam by the police speaks of no relent in underground activities of the militants. External mentors of local pro-militancy activists change their tactics every now and then. Setting shrines and mosques ablaze is one of their powerful weapons because they know that Kashmiri people are highly sentimental in the matter of Sufi shrines. One important thing which the busting of Budgam LeT module reveals is that notwithstanding several measures adopted by the State Government to provide employment to the youth, there are still many who continue to toy with the dream of going to Pakistan or PoK for training in terrorism. This is not a healthy signs. It is now clear to the police investigating authorities that there is a network of underground militants trying to create 2010 like disturbances by setting mosques and shrines on fire like that of Pir Dastigeer Sahib in Khanyar or Baba Hanifu’d-Din Sahib shrine in Ratsun, Pattan. Their tactics is to stir up mass hysteria and disrupt normalcy. But militants should know well that none of these antics is going to help them. All their tactics and strategies will be frustrated and countered by the alert security forces. Moreover, the people of Kashmir are much better informed on the tactics of the militants today. They show them scant sympathy, and in fact want to get rid of them if and when they appear.