Should elders live alone?

A survey made recently has pointed out about certain characteristics  about the living of our seniors , most of whom were found spending the days of life all by themselves either on account of denied company of their dears and nears or acquired choice by them of preferring to live in solitude.
Are there more efforts at the social community levels needed to make the elderly less lonely? Or we simply absolve ourselves as their blood relations of that duty, perhaps, to do that part of our sacrosanct duty by the Government or by some NGOs? That every fourth elderly was found to be living alone, as per the survey made on sample basis by a Delhi based NGO, must be addressed in totality. The condition in the cities or urban areas in respect of the elderly people was a cause of concern more as compared to in rural areas.
Most of the elderly perhaps were not all touchy about their fate of loneliness as they were about their financial dependence and wanted that they needed healthcare services as also financial non dependence. It is not that some elderly did not prefer to live alone or with their spouse only as revealed by the survey but the fact is again for that condition also their families, children and others could be responsible. It is imperative to understand in depth the social, psychological, financial and physical aspects of the elderly people and make the evening of their life less problematic and more comfortable since everyone has to reach this stage, the time being invincible and supreme.


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