
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

This whole creation is the play of Shiva, the dance of one consciousness, one seed, which has manifested into a million species in the world. The whole world moving in an auspicious rhythm of innocence and intelligence is Shiva. Shiva is the permanent and eternal source of energy, the one and only eternal state of Being.
‘Shivratri’ literally means that night which infuses the Shiva tatva, or the transcendental principle, into the three instruments. Samadhi is often referred to as Shiva Sayujya, the presence of Shiva, a concept that’s difficult to explain. Kabir Das calls it koti kalpa vishram – a billion years of rest consolidated in a moment. It is a state of deepest rest with alertness which brings freedom from all identities.
When the mind rests in the lap of the Divine, then that is the only real rest. The word ratri in Sanskrit means that which relieves you from three types of agony – ethereal, mental and material. This brings rest to the three instruments: the body, mind and speech. It is that which gives relief from the three types of problems. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti -three types of peace are needed; peace to the body, mind and soul – adhyatmik, adhibhoutik and adidaivik’. Only in the presence of all three can there be complete peace
Shivratri is when the Shiva tatva and the shakti become one. There is a story related to Shivratri, about the union of Shiva and Shakti. The primordial and dynamic energy is wedded to the transcendental. Shiva is the silent witness, the chidakasha and Shakti is chitti or chidvilasa, the energy that plays and displays in the infinite space. Shiva is the formless Being; Shakti is the manifestation in the field. This is the recognition of the dual aspect of matter and energy, prakriti and purusha, the dravya and guna – substance and its qualities. Recognising the underlying non-dual nature of Brahman is Shivratri.
Shiva has been associated with destruction; but transformation, change for the better, can only happen when something is destroyed. Shiva is that factor of transformation. ‘Shankara’ means one who gives peace and does so much good.  Shiva tatva is omnipresent. Shivratri is auspicious because the environment becomes more alive.
Shivratri is the night to celebrate the wakefulness of one universal consciousness without falling into the unconscious sleep state. It is an occasion to awaken one’s self from all sorts of slumber. The jagran in Shivratri is not just forcing oneself to be awake or singing bhajans aloud. It is about keeping awake and being inward and being consciously aware of the inner rest that sleep anyway brings everyday. When you surpass a certain layer of sleep, the rest of samadhi or Shiva sayujya happens.
Shiva is symbolically represented by the linga. The Divine is beyond any gender, so the Divine is called Ekalinga, or one gender.  That one gender is the Self, the Atma. Beyond the body, mind and intellect, and beyond the likes and dislikes, that Self is only one, it is Ekalinga. Shiv Shakti (the energy of Shiva) comes from all the lingas and merges on Shivratri.
Shiva is a very simple lord, he is innocent – Bholanath. One just needs to offer bel-patra to him. But in this simplicity is a deep message. Bel-patra offerings signify the surrender of all three aspects of one’s nature -Tamas, Rajas and Sattva. You have to surrender the positives and negatives of your life to Shiva and become carefree! The greatest offering is yourself. To offer one’s self is the key to happiness in life.
‘Kailasa’ is the legendary abode of Shiva. Kailasa means where there is celebration. So where ever there is happiness and celebration, Shiva is present. Whether in sanyasa or sansara, you can’t escape Shiva. Feeling his presence all the time is the essence of Shivratri. Lord Shiva is always shown sitting with eyes closed with a snake wrapped around his neck. One may feel he is sleeping but this depicts how he from inside – like a snake – is fully awake.
He is always painted blue in picture. Blue signifies the vastness of the sky. The moon on his head depicts everything which is inside him. So all the ghosts, dead, devil, everything is included in his gana. They say that in Shiva’s procession all types of people are there. So in this world, all belong to that supreme soul.  It’s said “Sarvam shivamayam jagat”. This whole world is Shivamaya.
Shivratri signifies being aware of everything you have and being grateful about it. Be grateful for the happiness which leads to growth, and also for sadness which gives a depth to life. This is the right way of observing Shivratri.


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