Tahir Hussain Khatana
About ten thousand years back humans started agriculture and it is also believed that the first animal domesticated was goat in central Asia about six thousand years back. The north western Himalayan region in India prospered in rearing sheep and goats with the involvement of magnificent livestock like double humped camel, pashmina goat, Himalayan Yak, long haired meat variety Kagani goat, verities of indigenous breeds of sheep which bore twins/triplets- gurezi equine, Bakerwali Himalayan mastiff dog and disease resistance cattle – not to mention of rich domestic heritage of livestock, the magnificent wild life in the region which has not been studied till now makes a mockery of negligent experts associated with biodiversity and conservation.
The State of Jammu and Kashmir situated in north western Himalayas has agro climatic conditions, geographic areas surrounded by Shivaliks, high rise Himalayas, valleys and trans Himalayas cold desert area of Ladakh. Not only this the flowers,fruits, forests and the enchanting charms have attracted invaders and tourists. The communities associated with rearing of sheep and goats dependent exclusively for their livelihood are now, under distress due to callous attitude of the politicians, beureaucrats and policy planners. They need special attention of Government of India for sustainable development of this crucial sector. It is dismaying that the federal government of Jammu and Kashmir which is facing violence, political unrest,unemployment and total dependence on GOI for financial expenditure is spending lavishly in animal sector with two independent departments of animal husbandry and sheep husbandry not seen in any corner of the world or in India.
During the pre-independence era of Dogra rulers the communities associated with sheep/goat rearing like Bakerwals,Gaddies, Chopans and Changthangies flourished with strict forest conservation and revenue laws. The state of Jammu and Kashmir was an exporter of sheep/goats and other animal products. The rearing of indigenous sheep was associated with thousands of handlooms and fine varieties of shawls known all over the world. The state is known all over the world due to Kashmiri cuisine of Wazwan prepared from sheep meat. The present scenario depicts a dismissal picture as more than twenty lacs of sheep are imported from outside side states to meet out the requirement of mutton. The strong lobby of Kothidars with political connections rules the roost in supply of ever increasing demand of mutton and sale. The scientific breeding of sheep was started first in India by the erstwhile Maharaja Hari Singh by starting a company at Reasi(Jammu) as this was the main activity of people. Over the passage of time a separate department of Sheep Husbandry was created in the year 1962 with massive investments by GOI disregarding disease resistant varieties of native sheep breeds which were best suited in agro climatic variance and live sheep were importedfrom foreign countries on the basis of fine wool instead of meat purposes. Those breeds are prone to diseases and struggle to survive as the terrain and prevalence of long distance migration from Jammu area to highlands Kashmir and Kargil. The very conception of breeding sheep for fine wool was only misconceived but a failure as the demand is for meat in the state. Off late as per govt. document the breeding sheep for mutton purpose is in progress with the starting of pilot project of embryo transfer technology which has failed after spending crores of tax payer money. In sheep/goat sector govt. is maintain 17 sheep breeding farms and six goat breeding farms across the state with District Sheep Husbandry Officers in each of 22 districts and two migratory projects with numerous sheep extension centers. As a fact and practice the imported aspect of disease control in domestic animals must be undertaken by a single Animal Husbandry department as in other states of India but it is unfortunate the veterinarians of two sister departments in J&K have no common policy and often work at cross purposes. As per 18th livestock census the population of Sheep is static in J&K while the population of goat is decreasing. The 23 Govt. sheep/goat farms are on verge of closure with low livestock.
The Department of Sheep Husbandry is in a critical situation care with the concerned ministry only interested in issuing orders of transfers, promotions and attachment. There is open bidding for transfers for plum posts and for out of turn promotions to higher posts as Directors, District Officers etc. Recently vide Govt order No 99 ASH of 2017 a junior level officer who was given out of turn promotion on the basis of J&K Reservation Rules was placed as Managing Director Sheep and Sheep Products Development Board superseding his senior officer which is violation of reservation rules as these promotions can only be given up to Dy Director level which is equivalent to Under Secretary grade. Again, vide Govt Order No.148-AH Dated 24-10-2017 a very junior level officer was made Joint Director Extension in total violation of promotion rules. Earlier in the year 2015 two junior officer ware promoted as Joint Directors. The procurement of medicines, surgical items and dead stock is infested with corruption as substandard drugs and items are procured with active connivance of small scale manufacturers of drugs of JK state. As there are generic drugs available in the market which are 80% cheap and more effective are ignored and huge commission up to 50% is paid to the person (Director) who places the order amongst the companies at his will and fancies.
It is time to constitute a special committee with mandate to – Merging of two departments of animal sector so that manpower is spared for shifting to uncover areas. Two the promotion at any level must be on existing rules especially for the post of Directors and Joint Directors as there are huge corruption avenue and people come forward with huge cash for their postings to higher plum posts. Third a special audit must be done to find out expenditure incurred for production of male breeding rams/Bucks taking all the calculations of expenditure of feed and fodder, medicine, salary of official, cost of production of fodder and no of animal died each year.
(The author is a freelance journalist based in Kashmir)