Excelsior Correspondent
DODA, June 3: Several officials including two doctors were suspended for remaining absent from their office during duty hours here today.
An official spokesman said that, nine employees, including two doctors, two lecturers and two Junior Engineers were suspended in Bhella area of Thathri Sub Division of the district by SDM Thathri Akhter Qazi when he found them absent from their office during an inspection of different Government offices.
The suspended officials are Munshi Ram, JE PHE Sub Division Bhella, Irshad Ahmed Sheikh, JE PHE Sub Division Bhella, Dr Sadeeq, MO, PHC Bhella, Dr Deepika, MO, PHC Bhella, Farhat Hussain, Health Educator, PHC Bhella, Parveen Kumar, Lecturer, A/A Zoology, HSS Bhella, Tariq Hussain, Lecturer, A/A English HSS Bhella, Braham Lal, Class IV employee HSS Bhella, Anganwadi workers, helpers AWC Bhella A and Bhella B.
SDM placed all the absent employees under suspension and recommended their names to higher authorities for further action.