Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 14: Seven rebel BJP MLAs led by Prof Chaman Lal Gupta will vote for opposition candidate, P A Sangma in presidential elections.
This was stated by Prof Gupta, while talking to Excelsior this evening. He said the decision was taken by the seven MLAs as UPA candidate, Pranab Mukherjee has totally failed as Finance Minister to stabilize the economy and contain the rising prices.
He said during his tenure as Finance Minister prices have touched the peak and it has made the survival of common man very difficult.
Prof Gupta said more over Mr Mukerjee who is visiting the state tomorrow will address the NC and Congress Legislators only. “So when he himself does not bother to approach the seven MLAs belonging to rebel BJP why will we vote for him”, he added.
He said the BJP also lost an opportunity to consider him (Prof Gupta) as leader of the Legislature Party in Assembly after the Speaker Legislative Assembly gave the verdict in his favour by recognizing him as leader of the BJP in the House.
He said so far BJP leadership has not approached his group and there by the Party has lost a golden opportunity.
It may be recalled that seven BJP rebel MLAs have 504 votes in presidential elections.